
Mutacija v serijskem objektu
ID Maznik Antić, Ema (Author), ID Čerče, Ksenija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kapus, Sergej (Comentor)

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V aktualnem besedilu se fokusiram na sodobne smernice v filozofiji (spekulativni realizem), implikacijo abjekta in estetiko campa ter produkcijo objektov iz termoreverzibilnih materialov in epoksija. Dekadentni romanopisec Joris Karl Huysmans, natančneje njegovo delo Proti toku, mi služi za analogijo ustvarjalca, potopljenega v modalnosti svojega umetniškega objekta. Definiram virtualen, navidezen kontekst, iz katerega so ti objekti ekstrahirani, in se ukvarjam z razpršeno naravo njihove distribucije. Kot ključne oporne točke pri vizualni produkciji uporabim delo Charlotte Posenenske, glasbeni video Grace Jones v režiji Nicka Hookerja, postinternet in Evo Hesse. Slednja mi je v pomoč pri odkrivanju serialnega značaja lastnega dela. Koncentriram se na princip semplanja, transgresijo, najdeni predmet in objektu določim konkretno fizično dispozicijo v prostoru.

Keywords:Slikarstvo, serialnost, ponavljanje, postinternet, fotodokumentacija, camp, abjekt, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131066 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Mutation in serial objects
My thesis focuses on contemporary trends in philosophy (speculative realism), the implication of the abject, camp aesthetics and the production of objects from thermoreversible materials and resin. Joris-Karl Huysmans, French decadent novelist, or more precisely, his work Against Nature, provides an analogy for a creator immersed in the modality of his art object. I define the virtual context from which these objects are extracted, and deal with the dispersed nature of their distribution. Charlotte Posenenske, Grace Jones’ video directed by Nick Hooker, Postinternet and Eva Hesse are used as key points in my visual production. I rely on the latter to discover the serial character of my work. I concentrate on the principle of sampling, transgression, the found object and determine the object’s physical disposition in space.

Keywords:Painting, serial art, repetition, post-internet, photo documentation, camp, abject, BA thesis

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