
ID Fafulić, Tjaša (Author), ID Vlačič, Patrick (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo navaja pravice potnikov in njihovo upoštevanje v praksi. Pri posamezni prevozni panogi (cestna, železniška, pomorska in letalska) se dotaknemo odgovornosti prevoznika do potnika in njegove prtljage med potovanjem in morebitnih posledic, do katerih lahko nehote ali hote pride med izvajanjem prevoza. Kot omenjeno je med prevozom prevoznik odgovoren za potnika in njegovo prtljago, zato je pri škodi, ki nastane, potnik upravičen do različno visokih vrednosti odškodnine, glede na to, kako »huda« je nastala škoda, ter glede na odgovornost in upoštevanje pravil ravnanja potnika ob nezgodi. Vse prevozne panoge urejajo Uredbe o pravicah potnikov, ki so objavljene v Uradnem listu Evropske unije in veljajo v državah članicah EU ter se občasno spreminjajo in dopolnjujejo. Prav tako ima vsaka prevozna panoga konvencijo: cestnemu prevozu dogovor o mednarodnem prevozu potnikov ureja CVR konvencija, železniškemu prevozu dogovor o mednarodnem prevozu ureja COTIF – CIV konvencija, Atenska konvencija ureja prevoz potnikov in prtljage po morju, Montrealska konvencija pa ureja poenotenje pravil za mednarodni letalski prevoz. Konvencije so skupki določenih, dogovorjenih ali splošno sprejetih standardov ali dogovorov zlasti med državami, skupno vsem pa je, da govorijo o višinskih omejitvah odškodnine oziroma zneska izplačila povrnitve za škodo, ki jih določajo posamezne države članice. Kot zadnje omenjamo »pomembnejše« pravice potnikov, nediskriminacijo in enakopravnost pri nakupu vozovnic, potovanju, obveščanju potnika o njegovih pravicah, pravice ob nezgodah, poškodbah (potnik, prtljaga) in izgubi prtljage, zamudi ali odpovedi prevoza, razne pomoči (starejši, invalidni potniki in potniki z zmanjšano mobilnostjo) ter potrebne predhodne informacije.

Keywords:pravice potnikov, prevozno pravo, konvencije, Evropska unija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-131050 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2021
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The following bachelor thesis analyses the passengers' rights and their application. It examines the different modes of transport (road, rail, waterways and air) and their responsibilities towards their passengers in relation to passengers' luggage and some other risks that may occur intentionally or unintentionally during transportation. Each transport service is liable for the luggage of its passengers and for possible damage to personal belongings that may occur during the journey. In the event of damage, the passenger has the right to claim financial compensation, depending on the amount of damage and the behaviour of the passenger during the accident. Each transport service in the European Union (EU) is governed by the Regulation on Passengers' Rights, published at European Union Official Journal and applicable to each member of the EU. Each mode of transport is governed by its own convention. Road transport is governed by the CVR Convention and rail transport by the COTIF Convention. The Athens Convention relates to the carriage of passengers and their baggage by sea, and Montreal Convention deals with international air routes. The main objective of the Conventions is to reach agreement between countries on transport standards. They also aim to harmonise these standards, particularly as regards compensation for damage. Most importantly, the conventions protect the rights of passengers in terms of discrimination and equal treatment in the purchase of tickets, accidents, damage, loss of luggage, passenger information, timetable changes, assistance and other important information about transport.

Keywords:passenger rights, transport law, conventions, European Union

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