
Načrtovanje in izvajanje pohodništva v izbranem varstveno delovnem centru
ID Kenda, Klara (Author), ID Filipčič, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6927/ This link opens in a new window

Zaradi bogatega gorskega sveta je pohodništvo v Sloveniji zelo dostopno. Ker hoja pozitivno vpliva na človekov organizem in je lahko dostopna gibalna dejavnost, se z njo lahko ukvarjajo tudi osebe s posebnimi potrebami, ki pa zaradi svojih izzivov potrebujejo vodenje in spremstvo. Vodja pohoda mora tako pohod prilagoditi individualnim potrebam posameznikov, hkrati pa mora pohodnike pripraviti na hojo in jim posredovati tudi teoretične vsebine o varovanju narave in ustrezni opremi na pohodu. Zaradi izzivov oseb z motnjami v duševnem razvoju mora vodja prilagoditi tudi teoretične vsebine in jih predstaviti na razumljiv način. V magistrskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti, kako poteka načrtovanje in izvajanje pohodništva v izbranem varstveno delovnem centru in s kakšnimi cilji vodja načrtuje pohod. Osredotočili smo se na izzive, s katerimi se vodja sooča pri načrtovanju in izvajanju pohoda. Za obdelavo podatkov smo izbrali kvalitativni pristop. Podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo polstrukturiranega intervjuja. Vzorec sta sestavljali dve vodji pohodov, ki sta v izbranem varstveno delovnem centru zaposlena kot skupinska habilitatorja in se s pohodništvom ukvarjata ljubiteljsko. Ugotovili smo, da sta največja izziva, s katerima se vodji soočata pri načrtovanju in izvajanju pohodništva v izbranem varstveno delovnem centru, slaba telesna pripravljenost uporabnikov in njihova slaba motivacija. Vodji se srečujeta tudi z drugimi izzivi, kot so na primer izbira spremljevalcev, zdravstvene težave uporabnikov in prilagajanje poti specifičnim potrebam udeležencev. Ugotovili smo, da uporabniki kljub usmerjeni pripravi s strani vodij, tako na pohodu kot tudi pri pripravi na pohod, niso popolnoma samostojni.

Keywords:motnja v duševnem razvoju
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130985 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76868867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.10.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Planning and implementation of hiking tours in the chosen occupational and care centre
Hiking is a very accessible activity due to our country’s rich mountainous regions. Since walking positively affects the human organism and is a very accessible physical activity, people with special needs, who must be guided and accompanied due to their specific needs, can also undertake it. The hike leader must therefore adapt the hiking trip to individual needs of everyone involved, while, at the same time, prepare hikers for the hike and make them aware of the importance of environmental protection and appropriate hiking equipment. Due to the specific needs of people with a mental disability, the hike leader must adapt these theoretical contents and present them in an understandable way. In this master's thesis, we wanted to determine how a hiking trip is planned and taken in a selected occupational activity centre and with what goals in mind the hike leader plans the hike. We focused on the challenges the hike leader faces when planning and taking a hiking trip. To process the data, a qualitative approach was adopted. The data were acquired using a semi-structured interview. Our sample comprised two hike leaders, working in the selected occupational activity centre as group rehabilitators and enjoy hiking as a hobby. We determined that the biggest challenges the hike leaders have to face when planning and taking a hiking trip in the selected occupational activity centre are users' low fitness and poor motivation. The hike leaders face other challenges as well, such as the selection of escorts, users' health problems and adaptation to their specific needs. We determined that users, despite their hike leaders' preparation, are not entirely independent, neither during the hike nor during the hike preparation.

Keywords:mental disability

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