
Muzejska pedagogika in družinske delavnice
ID Anžel, Pia (Author), ID Hočevar, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kovač Šebart, Mojca (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo problematiko družinskih delavnic v muzejih in galerijah ter problematiko razumevanja obiskovalcev muzejev in galerij kot potrošnikov njihovih storitev. V teoretičnem delu smo uvodoma predstavili definicije in vlogo muzejev ter galerij v družbi. Osredotočili smo se na muzejsko pedagogiko, njene opredelitve in razvoj skozi čas, s predstavitvijo dela muzejskega pedagoga pa smo obravnavali tudi vlogo, ki jo ima ta v muzejskem in galerijskem svetu pri pripravi programov in drugih dejavnosti za obiskovalce. V nadaljevanju teoretičnega dela naloge smo predstavili razumevanje obiskovalce muzejev in galerij kot potrošnikov njihovih storitev in načine, s katerimi poskušajo muzeji in galerije pritegniti čim večje število obiskovalcev. Obravnavali smo tudi družino kot specifično skupino obiskovalcev teh ustanov ter razloge, zaradi katerih različni avtorji in avtorice ugotavljajo, da jim je treba v primerjavi z ostalimi obiskovalci posvetiti dodatno pozornost. Družinski člani se v muzeju in galeriji tudi učijo, zato smo predstavili pomen obiskovanja muzejev in galerij za učenje otroke izven formalnega sistema vzgoje in izobraževanja. V sklepnem delu teoretičnega dela naloge smo predstavili družinske delavnice, materiale, ki jih muzeji in galerije ponujajo družinam, in načine, na katere se prilagajajo tej skupini obiskovalcev, hkrati pa smo v bistvenih potezah obravnavali tudi muzeje za otroke. V empiričnem delu naloge smo predstavili izsledke opravljenih intervjujev s tremi zaposlenimi v muzejski pedagoški službi v dveh ljubljanskih muzejih in galeriji ter analize materialov, ki jih te ustanove ponujajo družinam prek spleta ali ob obisku v njih. Ugotovili smo, da se v vseh treh ustanovah osredotočajo na družino kot posebno skupino obiskovalcev. Zanje ne pripravljajo le družinskih delavnic, temveč so nanje pozorni tudi pri načrtovanju prostorov, izdelavi materialov in pripravi dejavnosti, s katerimi se lahko zabavajo in učijo tudi izven postavljene razstave. V izbranih muzejih in galerijah se prilagajajo svojemu občinstvu in logiki trga z organizacijo delavnic, drugo ponudbo in ureditvijo prostorov, a pretežno v sklopu njihove vzgojno-izobraževalne vloge in poslanstva – pripravljajo delavnice, s katerimi želijo širiti interes za obravnavano tematiko in vzgojiti občinstvo, ki se bo v muzeje in galerije vračalo vse življenje.

Keywords:muzejska pedagogika, družinske delavnice, prilagoditve muzejev in galerij, obiskovalci kulturnih ustanov kot potrošniki, delo muzejskega pedagoga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130951 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Education in museums and family workshops
In this master's thesis, we explored the issue of family workshops in museums and galleries and understanding museum and gallery visitors as consumers of their services. In the theoretical part, we introduced the definitions and role of museums and galleries in our society. We focused on museum pedagogy, its definitions and development over the years. We explored the work of a museum pedagogue and learned about the role it plays in the museum and gallery world in preparing programs and other activities for visitors. In the continuation of the theoretical part of the thesis we dealt with museum and gallery visitors. We studied the understanding of visitors as consumers of museum and gallery services and the ways in which museums and galleries try to attract as many visitors as possible. We paid a lot of attention to the definition of family as a specific group of visitors of these institutions and the reasons why the authors believe that they should be given extra attention compared to other visitors. We studied the learning process of families in museums and galleries and the importance of visiting museums and galleries for children outside the formal education system. We also discussed family workshops, the materials that museums and galleries offer to families, and the ways in which they adapt to this group of visitors, and addressed broadly museums for children. In the empirical part of the thesis, we presented the results of interviews with three employees of the museum pedagogical service from two museums and one gallery in Ljubljana and analyses of materials that these institutions offer to families online or when visiting them. We found that all three museums and galleries focus on the family as a special group of visitors. Not only do they prepare family workshops for them, but they also pay attention to them when planning spaces, preparing materials and activities, offering an opportunity to have fun and learn something new outside the exhibition. In selected museums and galleries, they adapt to their audience and the logic of the market with workshops and other activities as part of their educational role and mission – they prepare workshops to spread interest in the subject and educate the audience to keep returning to museums and galleries throughout their lives.

Keywords:museum pedagogy, family worskhops, museum and gallery adaptation, museum and gallery visitors as consumers, work of museum pedagogue

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