
Zasnova sanacije posledic hudourniške poplave Tržiške Bistrice na odseku Slap-Jelendol : magistrsko delo
ID Ivnik Dujovič, Gregor (Author), ID Rusjan, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sodnik, Jošt (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu je predstavljen potek in način zaščite prebivalcev pred hudourniško poplavo Tržiške Bistrice na odseku Slap - Jelendol, oktobra 2018, vključno z zasnovo ukrepov za odpravo njenih posledic. V uvodu so predstavljene osnovne značilnosti in ukrepi za urejanje hudourniških območij ter sistemska ureditev varstva pred naravnimi nesrečami ter odprave njihovih posledic. Za obravnavan dogodek je bila opravljena osnovna hidrološka analiza dogodka ter prikazan obseg poškodb na infrastrukturi, vključno z analizo vzrokov in opisom izvedenih intervencijskih del za zagotovitev osnovnih življenjskih pogojev lokalni skupnosti. Za celovito odpravo posledic je predstavljen sanacijski program, podprt s hidravličnim izračunom v programu HEC-RAS. Na koncu je predlaganih še nekaj idejnih rešitev za obvladovanje erozije v zaledju, s čimer bi bilo možno doseči dodatno dolgoročnejše izboljšanje poplavne varnosti vzdolž obravnavanega odseka Tržiške Bistrice in varnosti pred spremljajočimi erozijskimi procesi. V samem zaključku je kritično povzet potek sanacije ter delovanja sistema.

Keywords:sanacija, odprava posledic naravne nesreče, varstvo in zaščita pred naravnimi nesrečami, hudournik, urejanje hudournikov, Tržiška Bistrica, Dovžanova soteska
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. I. Dujovič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130939 This link opens in a new window
UDC:627.14:622.84: 556.18(497.4 Tržiška Bistrica)(043.3)
COBISS.SI-ID:77805827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:A plan for remediating the consequences of torrential flooding of the Tržiška Bistrica River between Slap and Jelendol : master thesis
This thesis presents the course and manner of inhabitant protection against the torrential flooding of the Tržiška Bistrica River between Slap and Jelendol in October 2018, as well a plan for measures for the remediation of its consequences. The introduction presents the basic properties and measures for managing torrential areas and the existing systemic arrangement for protection against natural disasters and remediation of their consequences. For the event in question, a basic hydrological analysis has been carried out, with a demonstration of the scope of infrastructural damages, including an analysis of the causes and the description of the course of action to ensure basic living conditions for the local community. For a comprehensive remediation of consequences, a remediation program has been presented, supported by a hydraulic calculation using the HEC-RAS program. Finally, several conceptual solutions to contain erosion in the river’s hinterland have been proposed, to achieve additional long-term improvement of protection against flood risks along this section of the Tržiška Bistrica River, as well as protection against the erosion processes. The conclusion contains a critical summary of the remediation process and the functioning of the system.

Keywords:restoration, remediation of consequences of natural disasters, protection against natural disasters, torrent, managing torrential areas, Tržiška Bistrica, Dovžan george

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