
Ocena donosov plodov evropskega pravega kostanja (Castanea sativa Mill.) v Beli krajini
ID Kočevar, Janko (Author), ID Klopčič, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava donose plodov, lesa in medu evropskega pravega kostanja (Castanea sativa Mill.) v Beli krajini. Raziskovalni objekt se nahaja v gozdnogospodarski enoti Črnomelj. Podatki o donosih plodov kostanja so bili pridobljeni na dvajsetih vzorčnih ploskvah, ki so bile locirane na mreži 100 × 100 m. Ocenjene in izmerjene so bile tudi nekatere sestojne značilnosti in lastnosti dreves, pod katerimi smo inventarizirali plodove. S pomočjo teh podatkov so bile narejene primerjave glede vplivov posameznih parametrov na donos plodov. Pridobljeni ali izračunani so bili tudi podatki o donosih kostanjevega medu in lesa. Na vzorčnih ploskvah je bilo v povprečju 390 g zdravih kostanjevih plodov, kar predstavlja donos 487,5 kg/ha. Najnižji donos je znašal 254 g (318 kg/ha), najvišji pa 649 g (811 kg/ha). Vrednost donosa plodov se je glede na zbrane podatke in tržno ceno gibala med 975 in 1706 €/ha/leto. Donos končnega poseka bi predstavljal 6087 €/ha ± 4062 €/ha. Donos volumenskega prirastka lesa je bil ob 1 - 4 % relativnem volumenskem prirastku lesne zaloge kostanja ocenjen na 37,2 - 148,7 €/ha/leto. Vrednost ocenjenega donosa medu je znašala 300 - 540 €/ha/leto. Zaključeno je bilo, da bi donos s strani plodov tudi v najslabšem primeru skoraj 7 krat presegel prihodek s strani letnega volumenskega prirastka kostanja.

Keywords:kostanj, donos, Bela krajina, primerjava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Kočevar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130930 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*61:630*17Castanea sativa Mill(497.4Bela krajina)(043.2)=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:78819331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Estimation of sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) fruit crop yield in Bela Krajina
The thesis deals with the yields of fruits, wood and honey of the sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Bela krajina. The study area is located in the forest management unit Črnomelj. Data on chestnut fruit yields were obtained on twenty sample plots located on a 100 × 100 m grid. Some stand characteristics and properties of trees, under which fruits were inventoried, were assessed and measured. These data enabled analyses of their influence on fruit yield. Data on chestnut honey and timber yields were also obtained or calculated. On the sample plots, an average of 390 g of healthy chestnuts was obtained, which represents a yield of 487.5 kg/ha. The lowest yield was 254 g (318 kg/ha) and the highest 649 g (811 kg/ha). According to these results and the market price, the value of fruit yield ranged between 975 and 1706 €/ha/year. The value of the final felling timber yield would represent 6087 €/ha ± 4062 €/ha. The value of the wood volume increment was estimated at 37.2 - 148.7 €/ha/year at 1 - 4 % relative volume increment of chestnut growing stock. The value of the estimated yield of sweet chestnut honey was 300-540 €/ha/year. It was concluded that even in the worst case scenario the value of the sweet chestnut fruit yield would be almost 7 times higher than the income from the annual wood volume increment.

Keywords:Chestnut, yield, Bela krajina, comparison

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