
Pomen naravnih svetišč slovenskih starovercev za obiskovalce v današnjem času : diplomsko delo
ID Ravnikar, Klara (Author), ID Črnič, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava staroverska svetišča na območju Posočja in Kobarida, ki so imela poseben pomen za slovenske staroverce. Slovenski staroverci so bili zelo tesno povezani z naravo in so živeli z njo v sožitju. Svojih svetišč niso gradili, ampak so verjeli, da jih je ustvarila narava sama. Raziskovalec in zbiratelj ljudskega izročila Pavel Medvešček je v svoji mladosti zbral zapiske in predmete, ki nam danes omogočajo vpogled v življenje, ki so ga živeli naši predniki, poleg tega pa nam pomagajo razumeti, kdo so slovenski staroverci res bili. V diplomskem delu raziskujem odnos, ki ga imajo obiskovalci v današnjem času do staroverskih svetišč in do narave. Za ta namen sem se odpravila na štiri lokacije na območju Posočja in Kobarida, kjer se nahajajo naravna staroverska svetišča, in opravila vsega skupaj 13 polstrukturiranih intervjujev z obiskovalci naravnih svetišč. Kljub temu, da danes ljudje ne živimo več v tako tesnem stiku z naravo, pa smo spoznali, da brez nje ne moremo obstajati, da nismo krona stvarstva in bi jo morali bolj spoštovati, podobno kot so to počeli tudi slovenski staroverci. Da so ljudje začeli naravo spet spoštovati in se obračati k njej pa je tudi glavna ugotovitev tega zaključnega dela.

Keywords:staroverstvo, naravoverstvo, duhovnost, naravna svetišča, duhovni turizem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Ravnikar]
Number of pages:41 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130877 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:85851907 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The importance of natural shrines of Slovene Native Faith believers for visitors today
The following thesis is about ancient shrines in the area of Posočje and Kobarid, which were of special importance for Slovene Native Faith believers. Slovene Native Faith believers were very closely connected with nature and lived in harmony with it. They did not build their shrines, but believed that they were created by nature itself. Researcher and collector of folk tradition Pavel Medvešček collected notes and objects in his youth that give us an insight into the life of our ancestors, and also help us understand who the Slovene Native Faith believers really were. In this paper, I explore the relationship that today's visitors have towards ancient shrines and nature itself. For this purpose, I visited four locations in the area of Posočje and Kobarid where natural ancient shrines are located and conducted a total of 13 semi-structured interviews with people visiting those natural shrines. Despite the fact that today people no longer live in such close contact with nature, we realized that without it we cannot exist, that we are not the crown of creation and we should respect it more, similarly as the Slovene Native Faith believers did. People have begun to respect and turn to nature again and this is also a key conclusion of this thesis.

Keywords:native faith, nature-worshiping, spirituality, natural shrines, spiritual tourism

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