
Zadrževanje ključnega kadra : magistrsko delo
ID Muhič, Tjaša (Author), ID Ignjatović, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Osrednja tema magistrske naloge so ključni kadri. O teh je že nekaj časa veliko govora, vendar se sama sprašujem, kdo sploh so ključni kadri in v čem se razlikujejo od ostalih zaposlenih, če sploh se. V starejši literaturi so ključni kadri opredeljeni kot strokovnjaki in menedžerji, ki so v podjetju višje pozicionirani, pa tudi delničarji in podobno. Novejša literatura pa gre vse bolj v to smer, da smo ključni kadri vsi delavci, saj ima vsak posameznik v sebi določen potencial, ki ga je sicer res treba najti in ga razvijati, vendar nas ravno ta potencial naredi ključne. Da pa ga odkrijemo, je potrebno, da imamo na delovnem mestu določeno podporo in možnost razvoja. V empiričnem delu naloge je sodelovalo osem strokovnjakov s kadrovskega področja, ki so mi na intervjujih odgovorili na vprašanja na omenjeno temo. Glavne ugotovitve so, da je mnenje o ključnih kadrih zelo raznoliko. Lahko bi rekli, da je odgovorov na ta vprašanja skoraj toliko, kot je intervjuvancev. Nekateri se strinjajo z novejšo literaturo, nekateri imajo na ključne kadre povsem drugačen pogled in sicer, da nihče ni ključen kader, saj smo v današnjem času zelo hitro nadomestljivi, večina pa jih je mnenja, da so ključni kadri tisti, ki imajo o podjetju oziroma organizaciji specifično znanje, so izredno motivirani, imajo veliko željo po učenju in predajanju znanja, dosegajo izjemne rezultate in so gonilna sila podjetja, brez katerih bi podjetje lahko utrpelo večji problem oziroma zaostanek v poslovanju. Ključnim kadrom danes je pomembno predvsem to, da imajo možnost razvoja, fleksibilnost opravljanja dela, da jim konstantno zagotavljamo izzive in omogočamo zdravo ravnovesje med delom in osebnim življenjem.

Keywords:ključni kadri, delovno mesto, prepoznavanje, zadrževanje, izziv, razvoj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Muhič]
Number of pages:119 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130873 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:80493571 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Key employee retention
The main theme of this master's thesis are key employees. There has been a lot of talk about them for some time, but I wonder who the key personnel are and how do they differ from other employees, if at all. In the older literature, they are mostly defined as professionals and managers, who are positioned higher in the company, as well as shareholders and similar. Recent literature is increasingly moving in the direction that all employees are key personnel, as each individual has a certain potential in himself, it just needs to be found and developed, but it is precisely this potential that makes us key. However, in order to discover it, it is necessary to have a certain support and opporunity for develompemnt in the workplace. The empirical part of this thesis involved eight HR experts, who answered my questions in interviews. The main findings are that the opinion on key personnel is very diverse. We could say that there are almost as many answers to these questions as there are interviewees. Some agree with older literature, some have a completely different perspective, likewise that no one is key employee, as we are all very quickly replaceable nowadays, and most of them believe that key employees are the one who have specific knowledge about the company, are extremely motivated, have a great desire to lead and pass on knowledge, achieve exceptional results and are the driving force of the company, without which the company could suffer a major problem or lack in business. It is especially important for key employees today that they have the opportunity to develop, the flexibility to perform work, that we constantly provide them with challengers and enable a healthy balance between work and personal life.

Keywords:key employees, workplace, defining, retaining, challenges, development

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