
Pregled tehnologij in zasnova samovozečega avtomobila : diplomska naloga
ID Oder, Gašper (Author), ID Oštir, Krištof (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tekavec, Jernej (Comentor)

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Vsa tehnologija se razvija v smeri vse večje avtomatizacije. To velja tudi za vozila, ki s hitrim razvojem v smeri avtonomne vožnje opozarjajo nase. Vsakodnevno se na cestah pojavljajo vozila z novimi asistenčnimi sistemi, ki pomagajo vozniku med vožnjo. Ti sistemi od voznika še vedno zahtevajo, da je med vožnjo prisoten in pripravljen prijeti za volan. Vprašanje je, kdaj bomo priča prvemu vozilu, ki se bo lahko brez voznika in celo brez volana ter pedalov zapeljal po kateri koli cesti. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena teoretična osnova avtonomnih vozil, predstavljene so stopnje, ki določujejo avtonomno vožnjo, ter senzorji, s katerimi vozila zaznavajo okolico, njihove prednosti in slabosti. Kot praktični primer uporabe te tehnologije, je v diplomski nalogi predstavljena zasnova in izgradnja samovozečega modela avtomobila na osnovi Raspberry Pi računalnika, ki za zaznavanje okolja uporablja optični senzor oz. kamero. Ukvarjali smo se z optimizacijo vozila, za uspešno vožnjo smo kamero nekoliko dvignili in ji nastavili optimalen kot opazovanja. Na tla smo nalepili moder lepilni trak, ki ga kamera zazna kot črte vozišča. Ugotovili smo, da so za uspešno vožnjo najpomembnejši podatki, ki jih kamera zazna, saj se avtomobil, glede na te podatke odloči, kam naj zavije. Pomembno je, da v okolici avtomobila ni predmetov iste barve kot so črte in da kamera zajame dovolj podatkov, torej da ima dovolj širok kot opazovanja. Pomembna je tudi računalniška moč, ki vse podatke obdela.

Keywords:avtonomno vozilo, avtonomna vožnja, Raspberry Pi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Oder]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130865 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:77598723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Self-driving technologies and design of self-driving vehicle : graduation thesis
All technology is evolving towards automation. This also applies to vehicles that draw attention to themselves with their rapid development in the direction of autonomous driving. Vehicles with new assistance systems appear on the roads every day to help the driver while driving. This systems still require the driver to be present while driving and ready to grab the steering wheel. The question is, when will we witness the first vehicle that will be able to move on any road without a driver and even without a steering wheel and pedal. This thesis presents the theoretical basis of autonomous vehicles, presents the levels of autonomous driving, describes sensors with which vehicles detect the environment, their advantages and disadvantages. As a practical example of the use of this technology, the thesis presents the design and construction of a self-driving car based on Raspberry Pi computer, that uses an optical sensor to detect the environment. We have optimized the vehicle, and for a successful ride, we raised the camera and set it to the optimal viewing angle. On the floor, however, we glued blue tape, which the camera detects as road lines. We have found that the essential data for successful driving is the data detected by the camera, as the car decides where to turn based on this information. It is crucial that there are no objects of the same colour as the lines around the vehicle and that the camera captures enough data to have a wide enough angle of observation. Computer power, which processes all data, is also important.

Keywords:self-driving vehicle, autonomous driving, Raspberry Pi

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