
Otroški pogovori ob igri v gozdu
ID Uršič Valentinuzzi, Katja (Author), ID Kos, Marjanca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Praprotnik, Luka (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6918/ This link opens in a new window

Naravno okolje otrokom predstavlja prostor, v katerem se lahko spontano in brez omejitev gibajo in odzivajo, so samostojni ter dajo domišljiji in igri prosto pot brez vmešavanja in nepotrebnih interpretacij odraslih. Z igro v osrčju narave otroci spontano usvajajo nova znanja in gibalne vzorce ter razvijajo spretnosti. Igra v gozdu je svobodno izbrana in prav zaradi tega vključuje vsa čutila, hkrati pa tudi reševanje problemov in razvijanje domišljije. V gozdu se ves čas nekaj dogaja – ves čas se spreminja ter jim ponuja nove izzive in priložnosti za raziskovanje. Omogoča jim pristne in realne izkušnje, te pa otrokom pomagajo razviti pozitiven odnos do narave. Gozd ponuja otrokom tudi veliko priložnosti, da se med igro naučijo soočati z nevarnimi situacijami. V svojem diplomskem delu z naslovom Otroški pogovori ob igri v gozdu sem igro otrok podrobneje opazovala z njihovega zornega kota. Predvsem so me zanimali njihovi pogovori – o čem se otroci pogovarjajo, ko jih odrasli ne opazujejo, in kako se razvija njihova simbolna igra. Želela sem izvedeti tudi, česa si želijo otroci, zato sem s pomočjo ankete ugotavljala, kako se otroci počutijo v gozdu, kako pomembna jim je nestrukturirana igra v naravnem okolju, kakšen material si v gozdu izbirajo za igro in kako ga uporabljajo. Namen mojega diplomskega dela je bil nenazadnje tudi staršem in vzgojiteljem približati igro v gozdu ter jih spodbuditi k pogostejšemu vključevanju spontane igre v naravnem okolju v v svoj in otrokov vsakdanjik. Otroško igro smo dokumentirali s pomočjo kamer GPS. Pogovore na posnetkih sem nato prepisala in analizirala. Analizirala sem tudi odgovore, ki sem jih od otrok pridobila z anketiranjem pred obiski gozda in po njih. Rezultati so pokazali, da otroci najraje izbirajo igro zunaj. Radi se igrajo tako na igrišču kot v gozdu. Vsi otroci povedo, da se v gozdu dobro počutijo, saj se lahko tam sproščeno igrajo, kot se sami želijo. Čeprav imajo radi vodene dejavnosti, je večini otrok ljubša prosta igra brez vmešavanja odraslih. Zaznala sem tudi napredek na področju socialnega, gibalnega, čustvenega in kognitivnega razvoja ter domišljijske igre. Izjave, ki smo jih uvrstili na področje domišljije, dokazujejo razvoj domišljijske igre. Opazila sem utrjevanje različnih matematičnih spretnosti med igro, razvoj jezikovne zmožnosti s pogovori, monologi, spoznavanjem novih besed ter tvorjenjem krajših zgodb, pesmi in rim za potrebe igre. Z opazovanjem narave, ki vpliva na vsa čutila, pridobiva otrok občutek za estetiko. Največ izjav smo uvrstili na področje socialnega razvoja, gibalna dejavnost pa je bila prisotna ves čas otroške igre.

Keywords:predšolski otroci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130828 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76728067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Children's talks while playing in the forest
The natural environment provides children with space in which they can move spontaneously without restrictions, react, be independent, give free rein to imagination and play without intervention and interpretation by adults. While playing in natural environments, children spontaneously acquire new knowledge, patterns of movement and develop skills. Playfulness in the woods is freely chosen and involves all the senses while developing problem solving skills and imagination. There is always something going on in the woods – the forest is constantly changing and offers children new challenges and opportunities to explore. It allows authentic and real experiences which help children to develop a positive attitude towards nature. The woods also offer children many opportunities to learn to deal with dangerous situations through play. In my diploma thesis, titled Children's Conversations while Playing in the Forest, I observed children's play in detail. I was mainly interested in their conversations – what children talk about when adults do not watch them and how their symbolic play develops. I also wanted to find out what children’s wishes are; therefore, I used a survey to determine how children feel in the woods, how important unstructured play is in the natural environment, what materials children choose to play with in the forest, and how they use these materials. The purpose of my diploma thesis was to give parents and educators a better understanding of play in the woods and to encourage them to include spontaneous play in the natural environment into their daily lives and the lives of their children. We documented children's play with the help of GPS cameras. The recorded conversations were then transcribed and analysed. I also analysed the answers received from interviews with children before and after their forest visits. The results showed that children prefer to choose to play outside. They like to play both on the playground as well as in the woods. All children say they feel good in the woods, as they can play freely there as they wish. Although they like guided activities, most children prefer free play without adult intervention. I also noticed progress in the areas of social, motor, emotional and cognitive development, and fantasy play. We categorized children’s statements during their free play. Large number of statements categorized as fantasy play proved the development of fantasy play. I also noticed development of mathematical abilities, learning new words, forming shorts stories, songs and rhymes, conversations and monologues during free play. Observing natural environment has an impact on emotions and helps children appreciate it’s beauty. Many statements were categorized under social development. Physical activity was constantly present during children’s free play in the forest.

Keywords:preschool children

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