
Oblikovanje in ilustracija pesniške zbirke »Nekoga moram imeti«
ID Gačnik, Mateja (Author), ID Jenko, Radovan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Černe Oven, Petra (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi sem preučila področje knjige in poezije, predvsem področje neklasičnih knjig poezije. Poezija nam omogoča bolj osebi stik z besedilom in globljo povezavo tudi na čustveni ravni. Ker lahko vsak bralec besedilo interpretira po svoje, je diplomsko delo moja lastna interpretacija prebrane¬ga. Besedilo je avtorsko delo mojega očeta, kar je že od začetka predstavljajo večji izziv. Moj namen je bil ustvariti knjigo poezije, ki ne sledi klasičnim merilom oblikovanja oziroma naši predstavi, kakšen izgled mora knjiga imeti. Z barvami in postavitvijo besed sem želela poudariti občutke, ki jih besedilo izraža. Cilj je bil razgraditi posamezne pesmi na besede in jih nato ponovno sestaviti v drugačno celoto z isto vsebino. Projekta sem se najprej lotila z raziskavo področja. Z branjem in analizo posameznih pesmi sem določila osnovne parametre oblikovanja. Sledil je razvoj praktičnega dela diplomske nalo¬ge, kjer sem se, na podlagi predhodnih ugotovitev, ukvarjala predvsem z oblikovanjem. Ključnega pomena je bilo določiti osnovne parametre knjige, ki so omogočili lažje in natančno delo. Vzporedno z oblikovanjem posameznih strani je potekala še izdelava avtorskih ilustracij. Končni izdelek je fizična knjiga z naslovom Nekoga moram imeti.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, grafično oblikovanje, oblikovanje knjige, ilustracija, poezija, nekoga moram imeti, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130801 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Design and illustration of a book of poems »You have to love someone«
In my thesis I studied the field of books and poetry, especially the field of non-classical books of poetry. Poetry allows us to have more contact with the text and a deeper connection on an emotional level. Since each reader can interpret the text in their own way, the thesis is my own interpretation of what has been read. The text is my father’s copyrighted work, which was a bigger challenge from the start. My intention was to create a book of poetry that does not follow the classical criteria of design or our idea of what a book should look like. With the colors and the layout of the words, I wanted to emphasize the feelings that the text expresses. The goal was to break down individual songs into words and then reassemble them into a different whole with the same content. I first started the project with research in the field. By reading and analyzing individual poems, I determined the basic desi¬gn parameters. This was followed by the development of the practical part of the diploma thesis, where, based on previous findings, I was mainly engaged in design. It was crucial to determine the basic parameters of the book, which made it easier and more accurate to work. In parallel with the design of individual pages, the production of author's illustrations took place. The end product is a physical book titled I have to have someone.

Keywords:visual communications, graphic design, book design, illustration, poetry, I have to have someone, BA thesis

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