
Modularno pohištvo za mačke
ID Frankič, Mia (Author), ID Pritržnik, Lidija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga obravnava prostorske potrebe notranjih mačk. Skozi raziskovanje njihove narave, navad, gibalnih ter drugih življenjskih potreb išče možnosti za izboljšanje njihovega habitata v sobivanju s potrebami in z željami skrbnikov. Osredotoča se na oblikovanje modularnega pohištva za mačke, katerega cilj je izboljšati kakovost in kvantiteto njihovega bivalnega okolja. Končna rešitev je pohištvo, sestavljeno iz 5-ih delov, ki jih lahko uporabnik – skrbnik med seboj poljubno sestavlja, kombinira in premika ter jim s tem določa različne funkcije, tj. ležišče, opazovalnico, skrivališče, praskalnik ali povezovalni člen. Umeščeno je na steno ali strop, s čimer se mačkam zadovolji nagon po zadrževanju in opazovanju okolice z višine. Pohištvo je ergonomsko 1 prilagojeno mačkam, upošteva pa tudi človekove potrebe, kot so čiščenje in vzdrževanje pohištva ter souporaba delov pohištva v druge namene.

Keywords:industrijsko oblikovanje, oblikovanje za domače živali, notranje mačke, prostorske potrebe mačk, pohištvo za mačke, modularnost, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130797 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2021
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Title:Modular cat furniture
The bachelor theisis deals with spatial needs of indoor cats. It looks for possibilities to improve their habitat, through exploring their nature, habits, motor and other life needs in coexistence with the needs and desires of caregivers. It focuses on designing modular cat furniture, aimed at improving the quality and quantity of their living enviroment. The final solution is furniture consisting of 5 parts, which can be assembled, combined and moved by the user-administrator, thus assigning them various functions: a bed, an observatory, a hiding place, a scratcher or a connecting link. It is mounted on a wall or ceiling, thus satisfying the instinct of cats to stay and observe their surroundings from high positions. The furniture is ergonomically adapted to cats, but also takes into account human needs, such as cleaning and maintenance of the furniture, and co-using parts of it for other purposes.

Keywords:industrial design, design for pets, indoor cats, spatial needs of cats, furniture for cats, modular, BA thesis

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