
Intima/odkrivanje in razkrivanje
ID Gantar, Brigita (Author), ID Pak, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga je sestavljena iz dveh delov: prvi zavzema analitično-raziskovalni del in drugi praktični del. V prvem sem se posvetila spoznavanju intime, na kakšne načine spoznavamo sebe in komu dovoljujemo, da nas vidi v vsej svoji ranljivosti. Poglobila sem se tudi vase, kako to občutim in kako to vpliva na moje odnose. Dotaknila sem se simboličnega pomena sklede ter na koncu prvega dela obravnavala umetniška in oblikovalska dela. Kasneje sem se osredotočila zlasti na svoje občutke, kako sama dojemam in doživljam intimo v smislu odkrivanja in razkrivanja. Skozi skiciranje in izdelovanje modelov sem iskala obliko, v kateri sem zajela vsa svoja čutenja. Opazovala sem formo, odnose med deli in teksturo ter jih povezovala s konceptom. Na koncu sem se izrazila skozi medij steklo tako v skulpturalnem delu kot v uporabnem predmetu. Svoje občutke sem ponazorila z dvema polkrogoma, ki imata na eni strani teksturo, ki simbolizira raziskovanje svoje notranjosti. Rahel stik teh dveh kosov pa predstavlja spuščanje drugega v naš notranji svet. Pri uporabnem predmetu sem zasnovala tri sklede, ki predstavljajo plasti; lahko jih povezujemo tako z odkrivanjem našega notranjega sveta kot s plastmi, preko katerih se razkrivamo.

Keywords:Unikatno oblikovanje Steklo Intima Odkrivanje Razkrivanje Samospoznavanje Diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Intimacy/discovering and revealing
The thesis consists of two parts: the first part is analytically and research oriented and the second part is practical. In the first part, I focused on the cognition of intimacy, the ways to get to know ourselves and who we give permission to see us in all out vulnerability. I also delved into myself in terms how I feel this and how this impacts my relationships. I touched the symbolic significance of the bowl and at the end of the first part discussed works of art and design. Later, I concentrated particularly on my feelings, how I personally perceive and experience intimacy in terms of uncovering and revealing. Through sketching and making models, I searched for a form, which included all my feelings. I observed the form, relations between pieces and the texture and connected them with a concept. At the end, I expressed myself through the medium glass in the sculptural work, as well as in the useful object. I illustrated my feelings with two half circles, which have a texture on one side that symbolises researching of one’s own inner place. The light contact of two pieces presents the act of letting someone into our inner world. In the case of the useful object, I designed three bowl, which present layers; we can connect them with the exploration of our inner world as well as with layers, through which we reveal ourselves.

Keywords:Applied arts Glass Intimacy Discovering Revealing Self-cognition BA thesis

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