
Odrast: od teorije družbenega pomanjkanja do teorije družbenega izobilja : od teorije družbenega pomanjkanja do teorije družbenega izobilja
ID Boršić, Ana (Author), ID Lukšič, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kapitalistični ustroj družbe velja za sistem, ki prinaša enormno izobilje, a le pod pogojem neprestane gospodarske rasti, v obratnem primeru sledijo recesija in posledice, kot smo jim lahko bili priča po letu 2008. Gre za ideologijo, ki temelji na prepričanju, da je kvalitetno in bogato življenje odvisno rasti bruto domačega proizvoda. Rast je postala politična in družbena obsesija današnjega časa ter družbeni narativ, ki ne proizvaja samo neenakosti in umetnega pomanjkanja pač pa tudi ekonomsko in družbeno, v prvi vrsti pa okoljsko krizo. Diplomsko delo se posveča omenjenim načinom razmišljanja sodobnega človeka in poskuša ugotoviti, čemu takšni načini razmišljanja v obstoječem kapitalističnem sistemu prevladujejo, ter ali lahko kot družba preživimo in živimo brez rasti. Pri tem izhajamo iz teorije oziroma gibanja za odrast, ki v svojem bistvu kritizira obstoječ globalni kapitalistični sistem, hkrati pa s pomočjo različnih praks, idej in predlogov ponuja pravičnejšo ter družbi in okolju prijaznejšo alternativo.

Keywords:odrast, razvoj, gospodarska rast, kapitalizem, bruto domači proizvod
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Boršić]
Number of pages:38 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130775 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:85846275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Degrowth: from the theory of social scarcity to the theory of social abundance : diplomsko delo
The capitalist structure of society is considered to be a system which brings enormous abundance, but only under the condition of constant economic growth, otherwise a recession and consequences follow, as we could witness after 2008. It is an ideology based on the belief that quality and a walfare depends on the growth of gross domestic product. Growth has become a contemporary political and social obsession and a social narrative that produces not only inequality and artificial scarcity but also an economic, social and, above all, environmental crisis. The thesis focuses on the above-mentioned ways of thinking of modern man and tries to find out why such ways of thinking prevail in the existing capitalist system and whether we, as a society, can survive and live without growth. We start from the theory or movement of degrowth which in its essence criticizes the existing global capitalist system, and at the same time, with the help of various practices, ideas and proposals, offers a fairer and more socially and environmentally friendly alternative.

Keywords:degrowth, development, economic growth, capitalism, gross domestic product

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