
Vpliv herbicidov na podlagi glifosata na talne organizme
ID Kaker, Maja (Author), ID Suhadolc, Marjetka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glifosat je neselektivni herbicid z zelo širokim spektrom delovanja in je eden najpogosteje uporabljenih herbicidov na svetu. Čeprav se glifosat namerno ne nanaša v tla, velike količine glifosata dosežejo površino tal pri nanosu na rastline in so zato glavna »tarča« njegovega potencialnega onesnaženja ravno talni organizmi. Preučitev učinkov glifosata na talne organizme je zato pomembna zaradi ključne vloge, ki jo imajo organizmi v procesih v tleh. Priporočeni odmerki glifosata se gibljejo med 0,96 in 2,88 kg glifosata/ha pri enkratnem nanosu oziroma največja dovoljena letna poraba znaša 4,32 kg glifosata/ha. Največ raziskav o vplivih glifosata na talne organizme je bilo na deževnikih, sledijo skakači in mikroorganizmi. Primerjava raziskav je precej zahtevna predvsem zaradi različnih odmerkov, ki so uporabljeni v raziskavah. Pri deževnikih so zaznali visoke odstotke smrtnosti, zmanjšanje telesne mase, pojav anatomskih sprememb in nižjo reprodukcijo. Glifosat v pregledanih raziskavah ni imel negativnega učinka na reprodukcijo ali trajanje življenjske dobe skakačev, je pa vplival na njihovo smrtnost. Prav tako je negativno vplival na reprodukcijo pršic. Vpliva glifosata na mikroorganizme z enostavnejšimi metodami, kot so mikrobna biomasa, encimska aktivnost in respiracija, v splošnem niso zaznali. Odmerki uporabljeni v raziskavah, kjer so zaznani negativni učinki, so v večini primerov veliko večji, kot so priporočeni odmerki glifosata. V prihodnje bo zato potrebno izvesti raziskave vplivov glifosata s priporočenimi odmerki glifosata, vendar ne samo laboratorijske, temveč tudi poljske poskuse, da bomo dobili bolj realne rezultate.

Keywords:tla, glifosat, toksičnost, neciljni organizmi, deževniki, mikroorganizmi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Kaker]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130613 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76398595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of glyphosate-based herbicides on soil organisms
Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide with a very broad spectrum of action and is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. Although glyphosate in not intentionally applied to soil, large amounts of glyphosate reach the soil surface when glyphosate is applied to crops and therefore soil organism are the main “target” of its potential contamination. Studying the effects of glyphosate on soil organisms is therefore important because of the key role that organisms play in soil processes. Recommended doses of glyphosate range from 0,96 to 2,88 kg of glyphosate/ha for a single application, or the maximum permitted annual use is 4,32 kg of glyphosate/ha. Most research on the effects of glyphosate on soil organisms has been conducted on earthworms, followed by springtails and microorganisms. Comparing research results is quite challenging mainly due to the different glyphosate rates used in research. Earthworms were found to have high mortality rates, weight loss, anatomical changes, and lower reproduction. Glyphosate did not negatively affect reproduction or lifespan of springtails in the studies reviewed, but it did affect their mortality. It also had a negative effect on mite reproduction. The effects of glyphosate on microorganisms by simpler methods such as microbial biomass, enzyme activity and respiration rate, were generally not detected. No negative effects were found in any of these studies. The doses used in the studies where negative effects were observed are in most cases much higher than the recommended doses of glyphosate. In the future, therefore, the effects of glyphosate must be researched using recommended doses of glyphosate not only in the laboratory but also in the field experiments in order to obtain more realistic results.

Keywords:soil, glyphosate, toxicity, non-target organisms, earthworms, microorganisms

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