
Vzpostavitev standardizacije gradbenih virov kot temelj e-poslovanja v sklopu Industrije 4.0 : magistrsko delo
ID Šraj, Urška (Author), ID Srdič, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rus, Ivan (Comentor)

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Vsi se zavedamo prednosti, ki jih prinaša digitalizacija, vendar se z uvajanjem novih tehnologij pojavijo tudi zapleti. V magistrski nalogi sem se osredotočila na reševanje ovir pri sprejemanju digitalizacije v gradbeništvu. Prikazana so neskladja skozi vse faze gradbenih projekta, s katerimi se srečujejo deležniki in ugotavljala v katero smer se odvija razvoj panoge. Gradbeništvo je iz vidika postopkov zelo razdrobljeno, to pa se pokaže tudi s številom dokumentov in informacij, ki so posledica različnih potreb deležnikov. Poglobila sem se tudi v opredelitev novih odgovornosti, ki jih digitalizacija prinaša deležnikom na gradbenem projektu; hkrati pa preučila prednosti in slabosti iz vidika uvajanje nove prakse. Prav tako je predstavljeno kako se je gradbeništvo v praksi prilagodilo na tako imenovano novo industrijsko dobo. Temelj digitalizacije, ki prinaša številne prednosti, so informacije, zaradi njihovega nenehnega večanja pa pojavlja težnja k njihovem obvladovanju in večkratni uporabi tekom projekta. Ugotavljamo, da se zapleti ne pojavljajo več na tehničnem nivoju, temveč pri vzpostavljanju enotnih standardizacij, klasifikacij in baze podatkov. Pri njihovi uporabi se je potrebno osredotočiti na usklajene projektne rešitve, s katerimi se izognemo zamudam in stroškom, še bolj pomembno pa je izobraževanje kadra in prilagoditev na novo miselnost. Sprva so bili gonila sila razvoja projektanti, zadnje čase pa se kaže tudi želja izvajalcev in investitorjev, po razvoju in enotnih rešitvah, ki bi olajšale ponavljajoče delo in omogočile zgodnje odkrivanje napak. Ne glede na različne vloge in cilje deležnikov, se kaže zavedanje, da je digitalizacija nujna in edina prava smer za transparentno vodenje projektov in dosego ciljev na projektu. Prišli smo do zaključka, da nikoli ne bo obstajala ena rešitev ali eno okolje, s katero bomo digitalizirali gradbeništvo. Odgovor je vsebinska usklajenost v začetni fazi investicijskega procesa (standardizacija), povezava med klasifikacijskimi sistemi in enotna nomenklatura, ki bo omogočalo uporabo istih informacij na različnih področjih od načrtovanja do naročanja in izvedbe. To omogoča da je vsebina znotraj različnih poslovnih sistemov lahko povezana. Digitalizacije se je potrebno torej lotiti celovito in povezati trenutne parcialne rešitve, ki jih vsak deležnik rešuje na svoj način.

Keywords:digitalizacija, e-poslovanje, stvarni viri, kalkulantski viri, ceniki, nabava, klasifikacija, nomenklatura, standardizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Šraj]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130581 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79297027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Standardization establishment of construction resources as a foundation of ebusiness within Industry 4.0 : master thesis
We are all aware of the benefits of digitalisation, but with the introduction of new technologies, complications also arise. In my master's thesis I focused on solving obstacles to the acceptance of digitalization in construction. Discrepancies are shown through all phases of the construction project that stakeholders face and the direction of the development of the industry is determined. Construction is very fragmented in terms of procedures and this is also reflected in the number of documents and information resulting from the different needs of stakeholders. I also delved into the definition of the new responsibilities that digitalisation brings to stakeholders in a construction project; at the same time, examine the advantages and disadvantages in terms of introducing new practices. It also presents how construction has adapted in practice to the so-called new industrial era. The basis of digitalization, which brings many benefits is information and due to their constant increase, there is a tendency to manage and reuse them during the project. We find that complications no longer occur at the technical leve but in the establishment of uniform standardizations, classifications and databases. In their use, it is necessary to focus on coordinated project solutions to avoid delays and costs and even more important is the training of staff and adaptation to the new mentality. Initially, the driving force behind the development was the designers but recently the desire of contractors and investors for development and uniform solutions that would facilitate repetitive work and enable early detection of errors has also been evident. Regardless of the different roles and goals of stakeholders, there is an awareness that digitalization is a necessary and the only right direction for transparent project management and achieving the goals of the project. We have come to the conclusion that there will never be one solution or one environment with which to digitize construction. The answer is content harmonization in the initial phase of the investment process (standardization), a link between classification systems and a uniform nomenclature that will allow the use of the same information in different areas from planning to ordering and implementation. This allows content within different business systems to be linked. It is therefore necessary to tackle digitalisation comprehensively and to connect the current partial solutions, which each stakeholder solves in its own way.

Keywords:digitization, e-business, real resources, calculation resources, price lists, procurement, classification, nomenclature, standardization

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