
Prehrana bolnikov s covidom-19
ID Bizjak, Anja (Author), ID Benedik, Evgen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je bil pregledati trenutno literaturo na temo prehranske obravnave bolnikov s covidom-19. Neustrezno stanje prehranjenosti, kot sta anoreksija in debelost ter druge kronične nenalezljive bolezni prispevajo k resnejšemu poteku bolezni covida-19 in razvoju akutnega respiratornega distresnega sindroma (ARDS), ki ogroža življenja bolnikov. Zaradi simptomov bolezni covid-19 in imobilizacije, so bolniki nagnjeni k podhranjenosti, njihove potrebe po hranilih pa so zaradi okužbe povečane. Cilj prehranske obravnave je, da preprečimo izgubo telesne mase, predvsem mišične mase. Tu so nam v pomoč oralna prehranska dopolnila, če je potrebno pa hranimo s pomočjo hranilnih cevk. Pomembno je, da bolniki uživajo raznovrstno hrano, saj le na tak način zagotovimo vnos vseh esencialnih hranil in okrepimo njihov imunski sistem. Prehrana in stanje prehranjenosti pomembno vplivata na izid zdravljenja bolnikov s covidom-19. Najbolj raziskana mikrohranila v povezavi z imunskim sistemom so vitamini A, B, C, D, E ter baker, cink, selen in železo. Omenjena hranila so se izkazala za izjemno pomembna za optimalno delovanje imunskega sistema in za zmanjšanje vnetja v telesu. Pomembno vlogo imajo tudi probiotiki, črevesna mikrobiota in številne druge bioaktivne snovi. Ker virusa covid-19 prej nismo poznali, je znanje na tem področju še pomanjkljivo, večina raziskav je narejenih na podobnih virusih, živalskih in celičnih modelih. Za boljše razumevanje so potrebne dodatne raziskave, ki bodo temeljile na človeških modelih in se osredotočale na različne skupine posameznikov.

Keywords:prehrana, prehranska obravnava, bolniki, covid-19, imunski sistem, mikrohranila, makrohranila, akutni respiratorni distresni sindrom
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Bizjak]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130554 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76494595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2021
BIZJAK, Anja, 2021, Prehrana bolnikov s covidom-19 [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Bizjak. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Nutrition of the COVID-19 patients
The intention of this work was to examine the current knowledge about nutritional management of the covid-19 patients. Insufficient nutritional status like anorexia, obesity and other acute non-communicable diseases, lead to the severe course of covid-19 and acute respiratory distress syndrome that threatens the lives of patients. Because of the covid-19 symptoms and immobilization of patients, malnutrition is a huge risk while energy and nutrient needs are increased. The goal of nutritional management is to prevent weight and muscle loss. We can achieve this with the help of oral nutritional supplements and if needed with the use of feeding tubes. It is important to enjoy a varied diet, as this is the only way to ensure all the needed nutrients and to boost our immune system. Diet and nutritional status have a significant impact on the treatment outcome of covid-19. Much research about protein, lipids, carbohydrates and dietary fibre has been done in order to reduce fatalities. Most of research has been done with vitamins A, B, D, C, D and minerals copper, iron, selenium, zinc in relation to the immune system. All nutrients proved to be essential for optimal functioning of the immune system and for reducing inflammation. Probiotics, microbiota, and many bioactive substances also play an important role. Due to the novelty of the covid-19 virus, knowledge in this area is deficient, most research has been done on similar viruses, animal and cell models. For better understanding and guidance, additional research is needed that will be based on human models and focus on different groups of individuals.

Keywords:nutrition, nutritional treatment, patients, covid-19, immune system, micronutrients, macronutrients, acute respiratory distress syndrome

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