
Zasnova sistema za predpripravo visoko viskoznih goriv za uporabo v motorjih z notranjim zgorevanjem
ID Strouken, Jean Josef (Author), ID Seljak, Tine (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kot posledica cilja nižanja ogljičnega odstisa in cilja zmanjšanja obsega nerecikilabilnih odpadnih snovnih tokov, se v energetske namene intenzivno razvijajo goriva, ki za primarno surovino uporabljajo različne vrste odpadkov. Tak tip goriv pogosto izkazuje kemijsko-fizikalne lastnosti, ki ne omogočajo neposredne rabe v sistemih z notranjim zgorevanjem, omejitveni parameter je v veliko primerih viskoznost, ki mora biti dovolj nizka, da omogoča ustrezen proces razprševanja goriva. V nalogi je predstavljena zasnova sistema za dovajanje visoko vizkoznih goriv v batni motor z notranjim zgorevanjem ter zgorevalne naprave s kontinuiranim zgorevanjem za potrebe analiz zgorevanja. Sistem omogoča predgretje in obratovanje preizkuševališča s konvencionalnim gorivom, menjavo goriva med delovanjem ter ogrevanje alternativnega goriva, omogoča pa tudi odtok testnega goriva po opravljenih meritvah. V nalogi so izračunani potrebni toplotni tokovi za ogrevanje ter zaščito sistema pred pregravanjem, zasnovana je topologija z vsemi potrebnimi merilnimi elementi (masni tok goriva, temperature na karakterističnih mestih). Izračun potrebne moči grelnih elementov upošteva termično inercijo sistema in podaja ustrezne parametre krmilnega sistema, ki temelji na pulzni modulaciji za uravnavanje moči grelnih elementov. Sistem je zasnovan in pripravljen za izvajanje eksperimentalne analize.

Keywords:sistem, gorivo, viskoznost, WPO, toplotni tok, motor z notranjim zgorevanjem
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. J. Strouken]
Number of pages:XVI, 53 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130535 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:81579779 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2021
STROUKEN, Jean Josef, 2021, Zasnova sistema za predpripravo  visoko viskoznih goriv za uporabo v motorjih z notranjim zgorevanjem [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : J. J. Strouken. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:A design of a pre-treatment system for high viscosity fuels being used in internal comvustion engines
As a result of the goal of reducing carbon footprint and the goal of reducing the volume of non-recyclable waste streams, fuels that use different types of waste as a primary raw material are being intensively developed for energy purposes. This type of fuel often exhibits chemical-physical properties that do not allow direct use in internal combustion systems, the limiting parameter is in many cases the viscosity, which must be low enough to allow proper atomization of fuel. The thesis presents the design of a system for supplying highly viscous fuels in an internal combustion engine and continuous combustion devices for the needs of combustion analyses. The system enables preheating and operation of the test facility with conventional fuel, change of fuel during operation and heating of alternative fuel, and also enables the outflow of test fuel after the performed measurements. The task calculates the necessary heat flows for heating and protection of the system against overheating, the topology is designed with all the necessary measuring elements (fuel mass flow, temperatures at characteristic places). The calculation of the required power of the heating elements takes into account the thermal inertia of the system and gives the appropriate parameters of the control system based on pulse width modulation to regulate the power of the heating elements. The system is designed and ready to perform experimental analysis.

Keywords:system, fuel, viscosity, WPO, heat flow, internal combustion engine

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