
Ovrednotenje senzorične kakovosti belokranjskih zvrsti Belokranjec PTP in Metliška črnina PTP z alternativnimi metodami opisne senzorične analize
ID Pečarič, Maja (Author), ID Košmerl, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Senzorična analiza je poleg fizikalno kemijske in mikrobiološke analize pomembna metoda za določanje kakovosti živil. Delimo jo na hedonske in analitične preizkuse, kamor spada tudi tradicionalna opisna analiza, ki pa je zelo zamudna in draga, zato se za ocenjevanje s potrošniki poslužujemo tako imenovanih hitrih ali alternativnih senzoričnih metod. Za naš poskus smo uporabili tri alternativne metode, in sicer Hitro profiliranje ali Flash profile (FP) ter 5- in 7- točkovno hedonsko lestvico. Pri 5-točkovni lestvici so bili preskuševalci osredotočeni na všečnost posameznih senzoričnih parametrov, medtem ko pri 7- točkovni lestvici na celokupno všečnost. Senzorično analizo smo izvedli z 31 nešolanimi preskuševalci in petimi strokovnimi preskuševalci, ocenjevali so tri vzorce zvrsti Metliška črnina PTP in tri vzorce zvrsti Belokranjec PTP letnika 2020. Rezultate smo primerjali s kvantitativnimi rezultati Vinske vigredi, kjer so vzorce ocenjevali po Buxbaumovi metodi. Ugotovili smo, da povprečne ocene všečnosti na 7-točkovni lestvici sovpadajo s kvantitativno oceno po Buxbaumovi metodi. Največkrat izbrana ocena pri obeh zvrsteh pri metodi 7-točkovne hedonske lestvice je bila dokaj ugaja in rahlo ugaja. Največkrat izbran opisnik pri metodi FP je bil tako pri zvrsti Metliška črnina PTP kot pri zvrsti Belokranjec PTP kislost, pri beli zvrsti sledi opisnik sadnost, pri rdeči zvrsti pa je bilo pogosteje kot sadnost navedeno specifično sadje. Rezultati 5-točkovne hedonske lestvice so pokazali, da je preskuševalcem pri obeh zvrsteh najbolj všeč izgled in najmanj okus vzorcev.

Keywords:vino, belokranjska zvrst, Belokranjec PTP, Metliška črnina PTP, senzorične lastnosti, senzorična analiza, alternativne metode, metoda Hitrega profiliranja, 5-točkovna hedonska lestvica, 7-točkovna hedonska lestvica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Pečarič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130529 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76337923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of sensory quality of Bela krajina blended wines (Belokranjec PTP and Metliška črnina PTP) with alternative methods of descriptive sensory analysis
In addition to physicochemical and microbiological analysis, sensory analysis is an important method to determine food quality. Sensory analysis is comprised of hedonic and analytical tests. The latter include traditional descriptive analysis, which is time-consuming and expensive, therefore we often use faster alternative descriptive methods, in particular with consumer panels. For our experiment we used three alternative methods (Flash profile (FP), 5- and 7-point hedonic scale). In 5-point hedonic scale, assessors focused on liking of individual sensory parameters and in 7-point hedonic scale on the overall liking of a sample. Sensory analysis was performed with 31 untrained assessors and five trained assessors. Three samples of the Metliška črnina PTP and three samples of Belokranjec PTP, vintage 2020 were evaluated. The results were also compared with quantitative results of Vinska vigred, where samples were evaluated according to Buxbaum method. We found that the average scores on the 7-point hedonic scale coincide with the quantitative estimates by the Buxbaum method. The most common chosen score in 7-point hedonic scale was “slightly like” and “moderately like”. The most frequently stated descriptor in FP method was acidity, for both blended wines. This was followed by fruitiness in the Belokranjec PTP samples, while in the Metliška črnina PTP samples more often that fruitiness specific fruits were stated as descriptors. The results of the 5-point hedonic scale showed that assessors most liked the appearance and least liked the taste of both Metliška črnina PTP and Belokranjec PTP samples.

Keywords:wine, Bela krajina blended wines, Belokranjec PTP, Metliška črnina PTP, sensory properties, sensory analysis, alternative methods, Flash profile method, 5-point hedonic scale, 7-point hedonic scale

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