
Opisna senzorična analiza kave
ID Rigler, Eva (Author), ID Bertoncelj, Jasna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kava je kompleksno živilo glede svojih senzoričnih značilnosti. Glavni vrsti kave sta Coffea arabica in Coffea robusta. C. arabica je sprejeta kot kava boljše kakovosti. Na aromo kave vplivajo vsi postopki obdelave plodov kavovca in kavnih zrn. Največ aromatičnih spojin v kavi se tvori med praženjem, skupine aromatično pomembnih spojin v kavi so furani, furanoni, fenolne spojine, žveplo vsebujoče spojine, pirazini in tioli. Pomembne nehlapne spojine v kavi so kofein, trigonelin in klorogenska kislina. Kavo lahko pripravimo s filtracijo ali brez. Kakovost kave določimo s kemijsko in senzorično analizo. Opisna senzorična analiza je kompleksna metoda za analizo okusa, vonja, arome in drugih senzoričnih lastnosti kave. Metodo opisne senzorične analize izvajajo le šolani preskuševalci. Kava je zelo zahtevno živilo za senzorično analizo, saj ima kompleksno aromo, vsebuje več kot 1000 aromatičnih spojin in ima izrazito grenek okus. Pri metodi opisne senzorične analize kave uporabljamo opisnike, kot so grenko, sladko, kislo, po praženem, po zažganem, po oreških, po začimbah, po zelenem, po fermentiranem, po zatohlem, po gumi, po čokoladi, po sadju, po cvetju in druge. Opisniki, značilni za kavo, v potrošnikih vzbudijo določena čustva, kar vpliva na senzorično sprejemljivost kave. Pomembno orodje za opisno senzorično analizo kave je senzorični leksikon, ki vsebuje opisnike za kavo, definicije opisnikov in referenčne spojine za vsak opisnik. Senzorični leksikon za kavo je uporaben kot komunikacijsko orodje, pri šolanju preskuševalcev in pri izvajanju opisne senzorične analize. Vizualna predstavitev senzoričnega leksikona je senzorično kolo. Senzorično kolo za kavo vključuje devet glavnih skupin, razdeljenih v podskupine opisnikov z značilnimi predstavniki. Namenjeno je strokovnjakom na področju senzorične analize kave, kot tudi potrošnikom za seznanjanje s senzoričnimi lastnostmi kave.

Keywords:kava, praženje, hlapne aromatične spojine, opisna senzorična analiza, senzorične lastnosti, senzorični leksikon, senzorično kolo, vonj, aroma, opisniki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Rigler]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130523 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76345859 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Descriptive sensory analysis of coffee
Coffee is a complex drink in terms of its sensory characteristics. The main types of coffee are Coffea Arabica and Coffea robusta. C. arabica is accepted as coffee of better quality. The aroma of coffee is affected by all the processing of coffee fruit and coffee beans. Most aromatic compounds in coffee are formed during roasting, and the groups of aromatically important compounds in coffee are furans, furanons, phenolic compounds, sulphur-containing compounds, pyrazines and thiols. Important nonvolatile compounds in coffee are caffeine, trigonellin and chlorogenic acid. Coffee can be prepared with or without filtration. The quality of the coffee is determined by chemical and sensory analysis. Descriptive sensory analysis is a complex method for analysing taste, odour, aroma and other sensory properties of coffee. The descriptive sensory analysis is carried out only by trained assessors. Coffee is a very demanding food for sensory analysis as it has a complex aroma, contains more than 1000 aromatic compounds and has a distinctly bitter taste. In the method of descriptive sensory analysis of coffee, we use descriptors such as bitter, sweet, sour, roasted, nutty, spicy, green, fermented, acrid, rubber, chocolate, fruity, floral and others. Coffee-specific descriptors incite certain emotions in consumers, which influences the sensory acceptability of coffee. An important tool for descriptive sensory analysis of coffee is the sensory lexicon, which contains coffee descriptors, definitions of descriptors and reference compounds for each descriptor. The sensory lexicon for coffee is useful as a communication tool, in training sensory assessors and in performing descriptive sensory analysis. The visual representation of the sensory lexicon is the sensory wheel. The sensory coffee wheel includes nine main groups divided into subgroups of descriptors with typical representatives. It is intended for experts in the field of sensory analysis of coffee, as well as for consumers to familiarize with the sensory properties of coffee.

Keywords:descriptive sensory analysis, coffee, roasting, volatile aroma compounds, sensory properties, sensory lexicon, sensory vheel, odour, aroma, descriptors

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