
Vpliv direktnega in indirektnega pouka na komunikacijo pri pouku matematike v kombiniranem oddelku
ID Korbar, Urša (Author), ID Manfreda Kolar, Vida (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6905/ This link opens in a new window

Kombiniran oddelek je sestavljen iz vsaj dveh različnih razredov, kar pomeni, da je poučevanje drugačno kot v običajnem oddelku, posledično pa je drugačna tudi komunikacija. Poučevanje v kombiniranem oddelku predstavlja izziv za učitelje, saj zahteva specifično obliko poučevanja. Pouk lahko poteka direktno, kar pomeni, da učitelj z učenci dela neposredno ali indirektno, kar pomeni, da učitelj z učenci dela posredno. V magistrskem delu smo želeli preveriti, kako ti dve obliki pouka vplivata na količino in kakovost komunikacije v oddelku pri pouku matematike, saj se nam je zdela tema premalo raziskana. V magistrskem delu smo najprej predstavili potek, različne oblike in dele komunikacije ter različna vprašanja, ki se pojavljajo pri pouku. Nato smo predstavili matematiko kot šolski predmet, vključili vrste znanj pri matematiki in opisali metode ter oblike dela pri pouku matematike. Na koncu teoretičnega dela pa smo opisali še načela kombiniranega pouka in se posvetili načrtovanju le-tega. Cilj naše raziskave je bil dobiti boljši vpogled v kakovost in količino komunikacije pri pouku matematike v kombiniranem oddelku, saj ta tema še ni bila zadosti raziskana. Hkrati smo želeli preveriti, ali obstajajo razlike v količini in kakovosti komunikacije pri direktnem ter indirektnem pouku. Odgovore na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja smo pridobili z opazovanjem treh učnih ur matematike v kombiniranem oddelku 2. in 3. razreda. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je bistveno več komunikacije potekalo pri direktnem pouku. Raven vprašanj je bila pri direktnem in indirektnem pouku predvsem nižja, pri obeh oblikah pa je prevladoval zaprt tip vprašanj. Ugotovili smo, da je količina verbalne komunikacije v kombiniranem oddelku odvisna predvsem od oblik in metod dela, ki jih uporablja učitelj, saj se tako pri direktnem kot pri indirektnem pouku lahko izvajajo vse oblike ter metode dela. Vendar pa so pri direktnem pouku bolj pogoste oblike in metode dela tiste, ki vključujejo več verbalne komunikacije, na primer frontalna učna oblika ter metoda razgovora. Pri indirektnem pouku pa se pogosteje pojavlja individualna učna oblika in metoda pisnih del, ki izključujeta verbalno komunikacijo. Pridobljeni rezultati učiteljem omogočajo vpogled na obstoječe stanje količine in kakovosti komunikacije pri direktnem ter indirektnem pouku matematike v kombiniranem oddelku. Potrebno pa je upoštevati, da smo zaradi epidemije Covid-19 opazovali le 3 učne ure matematike, kar je premalo, da bi rezultate lahko posplošili.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130517 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76484099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of direct and indirect teaching on communication in math lessons in a combined classroom
A combined department consists of at least two different classes, which means that teaching is different than in a regular department, and consequently communication is also different. Teaching in a combined department is a challenge for teachers as it requires a specific form of teaching. Classes can be held directly, which means that the teacher works with students directly, or indirectly, which means that the teacher works with students indirectly. In the master's thesis, we wanted to check how these two forms of teaching affect the quantity and quality of communication in the department in mathematics lessons, as we found the topic insufficiently researched. In the master's thesis, we first presented the course, various forms and parts of communication, and various issues that arise in the classroom. We then presented mathematics as a school subject, included types of knowledge in mathematics, and described methods and forms of work in mathematics lessons. At the end of the theoretical part, we described the principles of combined teaching and focused on its planning. The main goal of our research was to gain a better insight into the quality and quantity of communication in mathematics lessons in the combined department, as this topic has not yet been sufficiently researched. At the same time, we wanted to check whether there are differences in the quantity and quality of communication in direct and indirect lessons. The answers to the research questions were obtained by observing three lessons of mathematics in the combined department of the 2nd and 3rd grades. The results of the research showed that significantly more communication took place in direct lessons. The level of questions was mainly lower in direct and indirect classes, while the closed type of questions prevailed in both forms. We found that the amount of verbal communication in the combined class depends mainly on the forms and methods of work used by the teacher, as both forms and methods of work can be performed in both direct and indirect lessons. In direct lessons, the most common forms and methods of work are those that involve more verbal communication, such as frontal learning form and method of conversation. In indirect lessons, however, the individual learning form and method of written works, which exclude verbal communication, appear more often. The obtained results provide teachers with an insight into the existing state of quantity and quality of communication in direct and indirect mathematics lessons in the combined department. It should be noted, however, that due to the Covid-19 epidemic, we observed only 3 math lessons, which is too few to generalize the results.


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