
Napredne metode upravljanja gruč v okolju Kubernetes
ID MUŠIĆ, DIN (Author), ID Jurič, Matjaž Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dosegljivost spletnih storitev je danes ključnega pomena, predvsem pri korporacijah in večjih podjetjih, kjer so zahteve njihovih uporabnikov zelo visoke. Eno izmed rešitev za to ponuja okolje Kubernetes, ki je danes najhitreje rastoči odprtokodni projekt na tem področju. Omogoča nam avtomatizacijo nameščanja, upravljanja in skaliranja vsebniških aplikacij. S težavnostjo nameščanja Kubernetesa se je soočilo že veliko projektov, vendar Cluster API skuša vpeljati popolnoma nov pristop do te problematike tako, da se nameščanje ter upravljanje infrastrukture izvaja preko Kubernetesa samega. Podrobneje smo predstavili postopke nameščanja in upravljanja Kubernetesa s pomočjo Cluster APIja na lokalnem vsebniškem okolju Docker in preko ponudnika oblačnih storitev Azure, prav tako pa smo se poglobili tudi v različne topologije gruč Kubernetes. Sodobno orodje Cluster API je že v svoji zgodnji fazi razvoja pokazalo moč združitve upravljanja tako aplikacij kot infrastrukture preko okolja Kubernetes, zaradi česar lahko posledično v bližnji prihodnosti pričakujemo še veliko napredka v tej smeri.

Keywords:Kubernetes, Cluster API, gruča
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130499 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:78691843 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2021
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Title:Advanced methods for managing clusters in Kubernetes environment
The availability of online services is crucial today, especially for corporations and larger companies, where the demands of their users are very high. One solution to this is offered by the Kubernetes environment, which is today the fastest growing open source project in the field. It allows us to automate the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications. Many projects have already faced the difficulty of installing Kubernetes, but the Cluster API is trying to introduce a completely new approach to this issue by installing and managing the infrastructure through Kubernetes itself. We presented in detail the procedures for installing and managing Kubernetes using the Cluster API on the containerized environment Docker and through the cloud service provider Azure, and we also delved into the different topologies of Kubernetes clusters. The modern Cluster API tool has already shown in its early stages of development the power of combining the management of both applications and infrastructure via the Kubernetes environment, meaning that we can expect further progress in this direction in the near future.

Keywords:Kubernetes, Cluster API, cluster

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