
Avtomatizacija farmacevtske tehtalnice s kontroliranimi pogoji za delo ter zaščito operaterja, produkta in okolice
ID DEŽELAN, GREGOR (Author), ID Klančar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem magistrskem delu sem želel podati pogled s projektantskega vidika načrtovanja novega projekta – izdelka, ki je bil naročen s strani tujega farmacevtskega podjetja in je bil dodeljen meni, kot elektro projektantu, zaposlenemu v podjetju Iskra PIO d.o.o. Opisal sem potek načrtovanja in faze, s katerimi se srečujemo na njegovem življenjskem ciklu. Gre za v osnovi farmacevtsko napravo, saj je bil naročnik iz farmacevtske industrije, katere namen je, da se ustvari okolje za učinkovito, čisto in varno tehtanje praškastih snovi, zato ji rečemo tudi tehtalna kabina oziroma tehtalnica. Cilj magistrskega dela je bilo izdelati samostojen sistem, ki je povsem neodvisen pri svojem delovanju, hkrati pa omogoča enostavno modularno povečevanje sistema glede na potrebe naročnika. Na začetku magistrskega dela sem predstavil napravo in njen koncept delovanja ter načrtovanje in usklajevanje z naročnikom in njegovimi zahtevami. Nato v nadaljevanju podrobneje predstavim izbrane komponente krmilnega, merilnega in izvršnega sistema ter programsko zasnovo oziroma kodiranje glavnega dela programa, tako na programirljivem logičnem krmilniku kot tudi na zaslonu HMI. Poudarek naloge pa je nato predvsem na izvedbi regulacijskega dela, kar zavzema; princip regulacije pretoka ter temperature zraka glede na strukturo naprave in znane omejitve, programsko izdelavo regulacijskega dela ter načrtovanje regulacije pretoka in temperature zraka z vidika principa vodenja, izbire regulatorjev ter testiranje odziva in uglaševanjem le-teh.

Keywords:tehtalnica, farmacija, TIA portal, PLK, HMI, regulacija, regulator PID
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130495 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:80069123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Automation of the pharmaceutical weighing cabin with controlled working conditions and protection of the operator, product and environment
In my master's thesis I wanted describe my work from the design point of view of planning a new project - a product that was ordered by a foreign pharmaceutical company and was assigned to me as an electrical project engineer employed at Iskra PIO d.o.o. I described the course of the planning phase we encounter in its life cycle. It is basically a pharmaceutical device, as it was a client from the pharmaceutical industry, whose purpose is to create an environment for efficient, clean and safe weighing of powdered substances. That is why it is also called a weighing cabin or weighing booth. The aim of the master's thesis was to create an autonomous system that is completely independent in its operation, while allowing easy modular expansion of the system according to the needs of the client. At the beginning of the master's thesis, I presented the device and its concept of operation, as well as planning and coordination with the client and his requirements. Then I presented more details of the selected components of the control, measuring and executive system and the program design and coding of the main core of the program on the programmable logic controller (PLC) and also on the HMI screen. The main part of my master's thesis is about the implementation of regulation, which it occupies; the principle of air flow and air temperature regulation according to the structure of the device and known limitations, coding it and configuration of air flow and temperature regulation from the point of view of the control principle, selection of regulators, response testing and tuning them.

Keywords:weighing booth, pharmacy, TIA portal, PLC, HMI, regulation, controller PID

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