
Primerjava človeka in računalnika
ID Marinković, Mila (Author), ID Kononenko, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Od iznajdbe računalnika se odnos med človekom in računalnikom dopolnjuje, tako je človek s pomočjo računalnika uspel rešiti veliko različnih problemov. V tem delu se osredotočamo na različne vrste problemov; probleme, ki jih učinkoviteje rešuje računalnik, in tiste, ki jih še vedno bolje rešuje človek. Analizirali smo nekaj primerov obeh vrst in poskušali odkriti, zakaj so nekateri bolj primerni za človeške možgane in zakaj nekatere probleme učinkoviteje reši računalnik. Poiskali smo razlike v delovanju človeških možganov in računalnika. Odgovorili smo tudi na vprašanje, ali obstaja opazna razlika med njihovim delovanjem. Zapisali smo, kakšne so te razlike in kako vplivajo na sposobnost reševanja problemov. Domneva je, da takšne razlike obstajajo, posledično pa pojasnjujejo razliko med sposobnostjo reševanja različnih vrst problemov in različno uspešnostjo. Preverili smo tudi, ali obstajajo problemi, ki jih računalnik še vedno ne reši učinkovito, in jih poskusili razložiti. Predstavili smo odgovore na vprašanje, kateri problemi so zdaj v domeni računalnika in jih bo vedno učinkoviteje reševati z njegovo pomočjo.

Keywords:človek in računalnik, rešavanje problemov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130489 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:77881603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Human-computer comparison
Since the advent of the computer, the relationship between man and computer has been complementary and broadening, and so man has been able to solve many different problems with its help. In this paper the focus is on different kinds of problems; the ones that are more efficiently solved by computer and the ones that are still better solved by humans. We looked into a couple of examples and tried to discover why some are better suited for the human brain and why some problems can be more efficiently solved by computers. This can be done by identifying differences in how the human brain and computer work. Our assumption is that there exist notable differences in each of their characteristics and that those differences account for the ability to solve different kinds of problems with different levels of success. We also checked if there exist problems that will never be solved efficiently by computers and tried to identify them. Also, we offered answers to the question which problems are now in the computer's domain and will always be solved more efficiently with a computer.

Keywords:human and computer, problem solving

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