
Ugotavljanje ustreznosti izbranih fluorescenčnih sond za dolgotrajno mikroskopiranje živih celic
ID Mraz, Nikol (Author), ID Pajk, Stane (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kokot, Hana (Comentor)

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Fluorescenca oz. pojav, pri katerem snovi po absorbiranju svetlobe emitirajo svetlobo daljših valovnih dolžin, je vsak dan vse pogosteje uporabljena v okviru različnih področij in tehnik (npr. medicina, biomedicina, molekularna biofizika, itn.). Ena izmed metod, pri kateri uporabljamo fluorescenco in izkoriščamo njene lastnosti, je konfokalna fluorescenčna mikroskopija živih celic. Omenjena metoda ima številne prednosti pred presevno mikroskopijo, med katerimi sta najpomembnejši boljša ločljivost in kontrast pridobljenih slik. Da bi fluorescenco lahko izkoriščali za mikroskopijo živih celic, moramo v vzorec dodati fluorescenčne sonde, molekule, ki fluorescirajo in se lokalizirajo med ustrezne celične organele. Trenutno je na voljo veliko komercialnih fluorescenčnih sond, precej pa se jih tudi sintetizira na novo, z namenom izboljšanja njihovih lastnosti. Za pravilno uporabo posamezne fluorescenčne sonde je med drugim pomembno poznati njeno toksičnost, ustrezno koncentracijsko območje uporabe ter porazdeljevanje med celične organele. Prav to smo, za izbrane štiri komercialno dostopne in štiri sonde, ki so bile sintetizirane na Fakulteti za farmacijo Univerze v Ljubljani, določali v magistrski nalogi. Za tri od štirih komercialno dostopnih sond nam je uspelo določiti ustrezno območje koncentracij, v katerem se lahko uporabljajo za dolgotrajno mikroskopijo živih celic. Pri teh koncentracijah smo namreč dobili primeren signal glede na razmerje signalov sonde in ozadja ter obenem zabeležili visoko viabilnost celic (>90 %). Tudi dve od testiranih štirih na novo sintetiziranih sond sta primerni za dolgotrajno mikroskopijo živih celic, medtem ko so preostale tri sonde pri koncentracijah, potrebnih za vizualizacijo, že po 4-urni inkubaciji izkazale toksične učinke na celice in jih zato za raziskave živih celic ne moremo uporabiti.

Keywords:fluorescenčna sonda, citotoksičnost, porazdeljevanje sonde, dolgotrajna mikroskopija živih celic, konfokalna fluorescenčna mikroskopija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130472 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Suitability of selected fluorescent probes for long-term live-cell imaging
Fluorescence, a phenomenon in which things emit light of longer wavelengths after the absorption of it, is increasingly used in various fields and techniques (e.g. medicine, biomedicine, molecular biophysics etc.). One of the methods in which fluorescence is used and its characteristics are exploited is confocal fluorescent microscopy of living cells. The mentioned method has many advantages over optical microscopy, among which the most important are better resolution and contrast of the obtained images. In order to use fluorescence for live-cell imaging, fluorescent probes need to be added to the sample - the molecules that fluoresce and localize among cell organelles. There are currently numerous commercial fluorescent probes but many of them are also being synthesized with the intention of improving their performance. For the proper use of a fluorescent probe, it is important to know, among other things, its toxicity, proper concentration area and the redistribution of the probe among cellular organelles, which we have determined in this master's thesis for selected probes - the four commercial ones and the four probes that were synthesized on University of Ljubljana Faculty of Pharmacy. In three out of four commercial probes, we were able to obtain the correct concentration range of use in which the probes can be used for long-term live-cell imaging. At these fluorescent test concentrations, there is at the same time an appropriate signal with respect to the signal-to-noise ratio and high cell viability (>90 %). Also, two of the four newly synthesized probes are also suitable for the long-term microscopy of living cells while the remaining three after four hours of incubation showed toxic effect on cells at the concentrations required for visualization and therefore cannot be used for the long-term live-cell imaging.

Keywords:fluorescent probe, cytotoxicity, probe distribution, long-term live-cell imaging, confocal fluorescence microscopy

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