
Analiza spremenljivosti moči vetrne elektrarne : diplomsko delo
ID Leban, Kevin (Author), ID Čepin, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo zajema obravnavano tematiko od prvih primerkov uporabe vetrnih mlinov pa vse do sodobnih hitro tekočih vetrnic. V zadnjih tridesetih letih se je v svetovnem merilu nameščena moč vetrne energije postopoma povečevala kljub višjim stroškom glede na preostale, fosilne vire energije. V zadnjem desetletju pa so se stroški sončne in vetrne energije močno znižali in postali najcenejši viri energije. Zaradi tega je uporaba omenjenih virov v porastu in se bo v prihodnje vse bolj uveljavljala. Glaven namen tega dela je podati širše znanje glede enega izmed najbolj obetavnih obnovljivih virov energije v prihodnosti in seznaniti bralce z zdajšnjim stanjem uporabe vetrne energije na svetovni ravni. V prvem delu zaključnega poglavja je predstavljena zgodovina vetrnih mlinov. Sledi uporaba vetrne energije v svetu. Prikazane so lastnosti lokalnih in globalnih vetrov. V drugem delu so pojasnjene osnovne zakonitosti vetrne energije in lastnosti turbin, kot so vrste turbin, njihovi sestavni deli, priključitev na omrežje in stroški. Na koncu je podana analiza izkoristka vetrne turbine v odvisnosti od višine stolpa za izbrani lokaciji Nanos in Lisca. Prva analiza za lokacijo Nanos je prikazala, da v celem letu bi vetrna turbina z najvišjim stolpom dosegla 7 % višje moči napram vetrnici s srednjim stolpom in 16,4 % višje moči napram vetrnici z najnižjim stolpom. Najboljši mesec za to lokacijo je bil marec, kjer so skoraj vse vetrnice dosegale povprečno moč 1 MW. Najslabši mesec za to izbrano lokacijo pa je bil junij, kjer vetrnici z najnižjim stolpom ne bi uspelo doseči nazivne moči v celem mesecu. Razlike med posameznimi višinami stolpov in močmi so bile še bolj očiten v drugi analizi. Vetrnica z najvišjim stolpom bi dosegla 9 % višje moči napram vetrnici s srednjim stolpom in 22 % višje moči napram vetrnici z najnižjim stolpom. Za to izbrano lokacijo so bile najboljše vetrovne razmere v mesecu februarju. Najslabši mesec za izbrano lokacijo je bil julij. Na koncu analize je še prikazana primerjava med obema izbranima lokacijama. Rezultati so pokazali, da vetrnice na Nanosu bi bile izpostavljene boljšim vetrovnim pogojem in bi dosegale nazivne moči približno 300 ur več napram vetrnicam postavljenim na Lisci.

Keywords:turbina, energija, veter, obnovljivi viri
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Leban]
Number of pages:98 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130345 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76422403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2021
LEBAN, Kevin, 2021, Analiza spremenljivosti moči vetrne elektrarne : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : K. Leban. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of Wind Power Plant Power Variability : visokošolski strokovni študijski program prve stopnje Aplikativna elektrotehnika
The diploma thesis covers from the first examples of the use of windmills to modern high speed wind turbines. Over the last thirty years, globally installed wind power has been gradually increasing despite its higher cost, compared to other fossil energy sources. In the last decade, however, the cost of solar and wind energy has dropped drastically and has become the cheapest source of energy. As a result, the use of these resources is on the rise and will become increasingly popular in the future. The main purpose of this thesis is to provide a broader knowledge of one of the most promising renewable energy sources in the future and to acquaint readers with the current state of wind energy use globally. The first part of the diploma thesis presents the history of windmills. This is followed by the global use of wind energy. The properties of local and global winds are shown. The second part shows the basic laws of wind energy and the characteristics of turbines, such as types, components, connection to the transmission network and costs. At the end of thesis, there is an analysis of wind turbine efficiency depending on the height of the tower for the selected locations Nanos and Lisca. The first analysis for the Nanos site showed that throughout the year, the wind turbine with the highest tower would achieve 7 % higher power compared to the wind turbine with the middle tower and 16,4 % higher power compared to the wind turbine with the lowest tower. The best month for this location was March, where almost all windmills reached an average power of 1 MW. The worst month for this chosen location was June, where the windmill with the lowest tower would fail to reach rated power throughout the month. The differences between individual tower heights and powers were even more apparent in the second analysis. A windmill with the highest tower would achieve 9 % higher power compared to the wind turbine with the middle tower and 22 % higher power compared to the windmill with the lowest tower. For this selected location, the best wind conditions were in February. The worst month for this chosen location was July. At the end of the analysis, a comparison between the two selected locations is shown. The results showed that windmills on Nanos would be exposed to better wind conditions and would reach rated powers of about 300 hours more compared to windmills installed on Lisca.

Keywords:turbine, energy, wind, renewable sources

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