
Das Leben und Sprachverhalten der Gottscheer Deutschen im slowenischen ethnischen Gebiet in der Zwischenkriegszeit und während der Umsiedlung
ID Perko, Eva (Author), ID Ferenc, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Krevs Birk, Uršula (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo Življenje in jezikovno vedenje kočevskih Nemcev na slovenskem etničnem ozemlju med obema vojnama in v času preselitve tematizira nemško govorečo jezikovno manjšino, ki se je na jugovzhodnem delu Slovenije, na Kočevskem, naselila v 14. stoletju. Kočevski Nemci ali Kočevarji so na Kočevskem oblikovali jezikovni otok, katerega posebnost je bil njihov materni jezik – kočevarščina, čeprav je bilo njihovo življenje prepleteno tudi z drugimi jeziki. V prvi vrsti je to bila standardna nemščina, ki je na Kranjskem do razpada avstro-ogrske monarhije predstavljala historično dominanten jezik. Z razpadom Avstro-Ogrske je postal vodilni jezik na tem območju slovenščina, s katero so Kočevarji že prej prihajali v stik in so se je kasneje učili tudi v šoli. Na začetku 2. svetovne vojne, natančneje leta 1941 in 1942, so se Kočevarji preselili s Kočevske na okupirano slovensko ozemlje, ki je spadalo v rajh, in tam prenehali obstajati kot etnična skupina. Po koncu vojne pa je sledil izgon v Avstrijo. Iz Avstrije so se Kočevarji razselili po svetu, kjer so prihajali v stike z drugimi jeziki, kot npr. z angleščino. V namen raziskave jezikovnega vedenja Kočevarjev je v nalogi uporabljena metoda jezikovnobiografskih intervjujev, njihova analiza pa razgrne jezikovno vedenje Kočevarjev med obema vojnama, v času preselitve in po njej. Prav tako je v nalogi prikazano, kdaj, kje in s kom so posamezni Kočevarji uporabljali posamezni jezik ter kako so z njimi prišli v stik. Na ta način naloga prikazuje večjezičnost Kočevarjev, ki so nekoč prebivali na slovenskem ozemlju in so danes razpršeni po vsem svetu, ob tem pa izpostavljena tudi usoda kočevarščine ter njena današnja raba.

Keywords:Kočevarji, jezikovni otok, preselitev, kočevarščina, jezikovnobiografski intervju
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130340 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76651267 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The Lifestyle and Language Behaviour of the Gottscheers Living in Slovenia between the World Wars and the time of Their Migration
The topic of this thesis delves into the German speaking minority who in the 14th century got settled in the south-east region of Slovenia called Kočevsko. The settlers, who were known as Gottscheers, created a language island and existence where they spoke their own language – their mother tongue called Gottscheerisch. Nevertheless, they also mixed with other language groups. Historically, Gottscheerisch was of German origin, which was spoken in the region of Kranjska (today Slovenia), until the fall of Austro-Hungarian empire. Afterwards, the Slovene language became the main language spoken in this region but the Gottscheers were already familiar with it and later it was also taught in schools. At the beginning of WW2, to be exact during the years of 1941 and 1942, Gottscheers left the unoccupied territory in Slovenia where they lived and moved to the territory occupied by the Nazi Germany and thus they ceased to exist as a minority. When the war ended, they were exiled into Austria. From there, they emigrated all over the world, and in the process, they again came into contact with other languages, such as English. To research and analyse the linguistic nature and development of Gottscheerish during both world wars and afterwards, the method of linguistic-biographical interview is used in the paper. Besides discussing how the Gottscheers came in contact with different languages, the paper also reveals the time frame, the geographical territories, and the people with whom the Gottscheers spoke in targeted languages. Thus, the paper exposes the multi-linguistic abilities of Gottscheers and the way they are dispersed all over the world, the fate of their language and its use today.

Keywords:Gottscheers, language island, emigration, Gottscheerish, language biographical interview

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