
Določevanje kvalitete zlitine FeSiMg25 : diplomsko delo
ID Rom, Nejc (Author), ID Markoli, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je iskanje dodatne metode za določanje kvalitete zlitine FeSiMg kot nodulatorja. Izbrali smo dva po kemijski analizi primerljiva materiala in s pomočjo optične in elektronske mikroskopije iskali morebitne razlike, ki jih z uveljavljenimi postopki vhodne kontrole v podjetju WIRE d.o.o. še ne moremo zaznati. Na osnovi izkušenj zaposlenih, rezultatov primerjav naših in konkurenčnih izdelkov (nodulatorjev v obliki žice) ter razlikami v izkoristku med našimi žicami kjer so bila uporabljena primerljiva polnila različnih dobaviteljev, je bila postavljena hipoteza o vplivu mikrostrukture na končni izkoristek. Hipoteza o vplivu homogenosti razporeditve faz na kvaliteto zlitine kot polnila žice skuša podati enovit podatek o skupnem vplivu vseh mešalnih, livnih in drobilnih parametrov, ki so prisotni pri proizvodnji polnila. Zaradi pomembnosti ustrezne sejalne analize in njene morebitne korekcije, smo vzorce obeh materialov sejali na različne velikostne razrede. Priprava metalografskih vzorcev in optična ter elektronska mikroskopija so bile izvedene na Univerzitetnem centru za elektronsko mikroskopijo (UCEM) na Univerzi v Mariboru. Naredili smo metalografske posnetke, izvedli identifikacijo faz in določevali stopnjo homogenosti. Materiala sta izkazovala bistveno razliko v stopnji homogenosti, opažena pa je bila tudi jasna odvisnost homogenosti od velikostnega razreda delcev znotraj posameznega materiala. Ugotovitve diplomske naloge bodo preizkušene na bodočih testih v livarnah kjer izdelujejo nodularno litino s postopkom nodulacije z žico.

Keywords:nodularna litina, nodulator, metalografija, fazna homogenost
Work type:High school thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Rom]
Number of pages:XII, 43 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130236 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:84836355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Determination of FeSiMg25 alloy quality : diploma work
The aim of this thesis is to find an additional method to determine the quality of FeSiMg alloy as nodulating agent. We have selected two materials comparable by chemical analysis and with the help of optical and electronic microscopy we have searched for possible differences, which we are not yet able to perceive with the established methods of incoming inspection in the company WIRE d.o.o. Based on the experience of the employees, the results of the comparisons of our and competing wires and the differences in the efficiency of our wires using comparable fillers from different suppliers, a hypothesis was made about the influence of the microstructure on the final efficiency. The hypothesis of the influence of the homogeneity of the phase distribution on the quality of the alloy as a wire filler attempts to present uniformly the total influence of all mixing, casting and crushing parameters present in the filler production. Due to the importance of correct sieve analysis and its possible correction, samples of both materials were sieved into different size classes. The preparation of metallographic samples and optical and electronic microscopy were performed at University Center for Electron Microscopy (UCEM) at the University of Maribor. Metallographic images were taken, phase identification was performed and the degree of homogeneity was determined. The two materials showed a significant difference in the degree of homogeneity, and a clear dependence of homogeneity on particle size class within each material was also found. The results of the thesis will be verified in future trials in foundries producing ductile iron using a wire nodule process.

Keywords:ductile iron, nodulizing agent, metallography, phase homogeneity

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