
Utemeljitev ustavnopravne sposobnosti gospodarskih družb
ID Horvat, Tim (Author), ID Novak, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pravniki štejejo za samoumevno resnico, da so nosilci človekovih pravic ne le ljudje, temveč tudi gospodarske družbe. Vendar tega dejstva ne bomo našli v skoraj nobeni ustavi. Do razširitve ustavnega varstva na gospodarske družbe je najprej prišlo v sodni praksi, ki sega nazaj na začetek 19. stoletja v Združene države Amerike. Odtlej so gospodarske družbe začele pridobivati vse več pravic, poleg lastninske pravice tudi različne svoboščine, denimo svobodo izražanja, pravico do zasebnosti in svobodo veroizpovedi. Izvorno ameriški fenomen si je utrl pot tudi v evropske države in v slovensko ustavno pravo, kjer še ni bil podrobno teoretsko obravnavan. V razpravi preizprašujem to samoumevno stališče in najprej dogmatsko razdelam pojem ustavnopravne sposobnosti kot abstraktno predvidene možnosti, da je gospodarska družba nosilka ustavnih pravic, ter ga umestim v splošno teorijo prava. Nato razčlenjujem glavne problemske sklope, in sicer uporabnost teorij pravne narave pravnih oseb za utemeljevanje ustavnih pravic gospodarskih družb, nato nasprotno stališče pravnih realistov, da so za to potrebne neodvisne moralne oziroma politične teorije, in naposled svobodo združevanja kot izraz teh moralnih teorij in temeljno utemeljitev ustavnopravne sposobnosti gospodarskih družb. Na podlagi izbrane ameriške, nemške, francoske in italijanske teorije in prakse ugotovim, da obstaja enovita utemeljitev varstva gospodarskih družb, ki združuje pomen varstva človekovega dostojanstva posameznikov v družbenih tvorbah ter varstva družbenih tvorb kot protiuteži državi v pluralni družbi.

Keywords:ustavne pravice, ustavnopravna sposobnost, pravna subjektiviteta, gospodarske družbe, teorije pravne narave pravnih oseb
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130231 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76951811 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The rationale and scope of corporate constitutional personhood
Lawyers hold this truth to be self-evident: that corporations are endowed with certain constitutional rights. Their constitutional personhood, however, was not deduced from any constitutional document. Constitutional protections began to be extended to corporations by courts in the United States of America at the beginning of the 19th century. Since then, corporations have gained ever more rights, not only property but also liberty rights, such as the freedom of expression, the right to privacy, and the religious liberty. This initially American phenomenon was soon introduced in Europe, and finally into the Slovenian constitutional order as well, where it has been given little theoretical attention. In this dissertation I challenge this self-evident truth by four sets of questions. First, I develop the concept of constitutional personhood as an abstract capacity of a corporation to hold constitutional rights within the framework of the general theory of law. Then, I inquire into the usefulness of corporate personhood theories for determining constitutional claims of corporations. This approach is found to be refuted by legal realists who claim that only independent moral and political theories determine the conditions for assigning constitutional rights. Finally, I analyse the freedom of association as an expression of competing moral theories and a basis for corporate constitutional personhood. By exploring an array of insights from the US, German, French, and Italian legal theory and practice I conclude that there indeed exists a unified rationale of corporate constitutional personhood: one that combines the protection of human dignity of members of human collectivities and the protection of corporations as mediating institutions in a pluralist society.

Keywords:constitutional rights, constitutional personhood, legal personality, corporations, corporate personality theories, legal theories of the corporation

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