
Razumevanje rasizma v okvirju moralne teorije
ID Kovačič, Janina (Author), ID Potrč, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se ukvarja s preučevanjem razumevanja in definiranja rasizma v okviru moralnih teorij. Naprej sem razložila rasizem kot pojem, njegovo zgodovinsko pomembnost in manifestacijo, nato sem se lotila odgovarjanja na raziskovalna vprašanja, ki sem si jih zastavila in predstavila v uvodu. Pri odgovarjanju na prvo raziskovalno vprašanje sem predstavila različne pristope k rasizmu znotraj moralnih teorij, pri drugem sem naštela definicije rasizma filozofov W. Thomasa Schmida, J. LA Garcie, Joshue Glasgowa ter Lawrencea Bluma. Pri odgovarjanju na zadnje vprašanje sem najprej omenila mnenja zgoraj navedenih filozofov o moralnem statusu rasizma, za konec pa sem vse svoje ugotovitve strnila v zaključno misel.

Keywords:moralnost, rasizem, neenakovrednost, institucionaliziran rasizem, rasna skupina.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2021
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Title:Understanding racism in terms of moral theory
My undergraduate thesis deals with exploring the understanding of racism in terms of moral theory. Firstly, I explain racism as a term, its historical importance and manifestation, then I answer the research questions I had set. In my first research question I present different approaches to racism in moral theory, in the second one I talk about the definitions of racism as understood by philosophers W. Thomas Schmid, J. LA Garcia, Joshua Glasgow and Lawrence Blum. With my last question I present opinions of the aforementioned philosophers about the moral status of racism. The conclusion of my thesis consists of my main findings and final thoughts.

Keywords:morality, racism, inequity, institucional racism, racial group.

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