
Ultrazvočni fantomi za simulacijo človeškega tkiva : diplomsko delo
ID Kidrič, Timotej (Author), ID Sirk, Rok (Author), ID Žibert, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Arnuga, Sašo (Comentor), ID Žager Marciuš, Valerija (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Na področju diagnostičnega ultrazvoka obstajajo fantomi za kontrolo kakovosti in kalibracijo opreme. Le-ti se uporabljajo tudi za izobraževanje, raziskovalno delo in za pomoč pri razvoju novih diagnostičnih tehnik. S pomočjo fantomov poenostavimo in standardiziramo slikovno okolje. Fantomi so sestavljeni iz materialov, ki posnemajo tkiva, znotraj katerih so lahko vgrajeni tudi preprosti ali zapleteni objekti, ki posnemajo različne strukture. Komercialni fantomi so običajno zasnovani za široke trge in jih zaradi tega ni mogoče prilagajati. Iz tega razloga se tudi oblikujejo in izdelujejo fantomi po meri na zahtevo specifičnih namenov, drugačnih dimenzij ali zaradi znižanja stroškov. Namen: Namen je poiskati fantome in materiale, primerne za simulacijo človeškega tkiva iz literature in z eksperimentalnim delom na Zdravstveni fakulteti oceniti ultrazvočne slike izbranih materialov. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo s pregledom literature, ki je trajal od 22. 10. 2020 do 16. 3. 2021. Pri eksperimentalnem delu smo z ultrazvočnim aparatom SonoScape E2 in s pripadajočima linearno ter konveksno sondo preizkušali izbrane materiale. Rezultati: Na podlagi ugotovitev iz pregleda literature smo za prikaz izbrali tofu, želatino, meso, vodo in ultrazvočni gel. Pri fantomu tofuja dobimo homogeno sliko. Pri želatini in mesu je na sliki viden mešan signal. Pri vodi in ultrazvočnem gelu pa je slika nehomogena. Vsi izbrani materiali so lahko dostopni z izjemo ultrazvočnega gela. Njihova slabost je v obstojnosti zaradi kratkega roka uporabe in težje ponovljivosti izdelave fantomov. Pri vseh materialih so se pojavili artefakti. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da je meso, izmed vseh izbranih materialov, najprimernejše za simulacijo človeškega tkiva, predvsem zaradi podobne strukture. Medtem ko sta voda in ultrazvočni gel najmanj primerna. Za pridobitev optimalnih slik in zmanjšanja artefaktov bi morali parametre slikanja prilagajati.

Keywords:diplomska dela, radiološka tehnologija, ultrazvok, ultrazvočni fantomi, materiali, posnemanje tkiv
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Kidrič, R. Sirk]
Number of pages:62 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130208 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76115715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Tissue mimicking ultrasound phantoms : diploma work
Introduction: In the field of diagnostic ultrasound, there are phantoms for quality control and calibration of equipment, and they are also used for education, research work, and to help develop new diagnostic techniques. With the help of phantoms, we simplify and standardize the image environment. Phantoms consist of materials that mimic tissues, within which simple or complex objects that mimic different structures can also be embedded. Commercial phantoms are usually designed for wide markets and therefore cannot be customized. For this reason, custom phantoms are also designed and manufactured on request for specific purposes, different dimensions or to reduce costs. Purpose: The purpose is to find phantoms and materials suitable for the simulation of human tissue from the literature and to evaluate ultrasound images of selected materials through experimental work at the Faculty of Health Sciences. Methods: In the diploma work we used a descriptive method with a review of the literature, which lasted from 22. 10. 2020 to 16. 3. 2021. In the experimental work with the ultrasonic device SonoScape E2 and the associated linear and convex probe, we tested selected materials. Results: Based on the findings from the literature review, we selected tofu, gelatin, meat, water, and ultrasonic gel. In the phantom of tofu we get a homogeneous picture. In the case of gelatin and meat, a mixed signal is visible in the figure. In water and ultrasound gel, however, the picture is inhomogeneous. All selected materials are easily accessible with the exception of ultrasonic gel. Their weakness is in durability due to the short shelf life and more difficult reproducibility of phantom manufacturing. Artifacts appeared in all materials. Discussion and conclusion: We found that meat, of all the selected materials, is the most suitable for simulating human tissue, mainly due to its similar structure. Meanwhile, water and ultrasound gel are the least suitable. In order to obtain optimal images and reduce artifacts, the imaging parameters should be adjusted.

Keywords:diploma theses, radiologic technology, ultrasound, ultrasonic phantoms, materials, tissue mimicking

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