
Primerjava vozniških sposobnosti glasbenikov in neglasbenikov v simulatorju vožnje
ID Breznik, Mark (Author), ID Sodnik, Jaka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Znano je, da se z učenjem glasbe in igranjem glasbenih inštrumentov izboljšajo naše motorične sposobnosti, poleg tega pa tudi sposobnosti izven glasbe, na primer pozornost, spomin in kontrola telesnih odzivov. Študije nakazujejo tudi, da glasbeniki prednjačijo v večopravilnosti, tudi pri aktivnostih, ki niso povezane z glasbo. Učenje glasbenega inštrumenta ima tudi velik vpliv na nevroplastičnost - fizično spremembo v razporeditvi nevronov v možganih, ki vpliva tudi na druge aspekte našega življenja. Igranje inštrumenta ima veliko skupnega z vožnjo avtomobila. Cilj te diplomske naloge je ugotoviti, če in kako spretnosti potrebne za igranje glasbenega inštrumenta vplivajo na vozniške sposobnosti. V zadnjem obdobju se za ocenjevanje vozniških sposobnosti pogosto uporabljajo simulatorji vožnje, ki omogočajo hitro, standardizirano ter nadzorovano ocenjevanje le-teh. Kljub temu so vse dosedanje študije, ki so primerjale sposobnosti glasbenikov s sposobnostmi ne-glasbenikov, raziskovale sposobnosti, ki niso neposredno v povezavi z vožnjo. Z eksperimentom na simulatorju vožnje smo primerjali reakcijske čase desetih glasbenikov s kontrolno skupino desetih ne-glasbenikov v različnih okoliščinah - reakcijski čas na signal luči semaforja, kognitivni reakcijski čas, akustični reakcijski čas in reakcijski čas v povezavi s perifernim vidom. Pri vsaki okoliščini smo primerjali srednje vrednosti skupine glasbenikov s kontrolno skupino, kjer smo reakcijski čas razdelili na čas mišljenja ter čas gibanja (čas premika noge na zavoro). Rezultati odkrivajo razlike v reakcijskih časih glasbenikov, ki so se pri vseh testih povprečno odzvali hitreje. Do največje razlike je prišlo pri kognitivnem reakcijskem času. Ko smo reakcijski čas dodatno razdelili na čas mišljenja in čas premika noge, je bilo razvidno, da so glasbeniki hitrejši pri miselnem času, in ne pri premiku noge. Zanimivo je, da je eden izmed glasbenikov, ki je bobnar, dosegel veliko hitrejše čase gibanja kot ostali glasbeniki, ter udeleženci kontrolne skupine. Statistično gledano med skupinama sicer ni bilo pomembnih razlik, a je bilo to glede na majhen vzorec pričakovano. Prišli smo do podobnih ugotovitev, kot že nekatere študije pred nami, le da smo za potrebe ocenjevanja vozniških sposobnosti uporabili za to primerno opremo, torej simulator vožnje.

Keywords:Simulacija vožnje, vozniške sposobnosti, glasbeniki, reakcijski čas
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130163 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76532995 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of driving skills of musicians and non-musicians in a driving simulator
It is well-known that with studying music and playing musical instruments, human motoric skills, as well as skills outside music, like attention, memory and control of body functions, improve. Studies also indicate that musicians are better at multitasking, even at activities which are not primarily musical. Learning to play a musical instrument also has an effect on brain neuroplasticity - a physical change in the arrangement of neurons in brains, which also affects other aspects of living. Playing a musical instrument shares many similarities with driving a car. The goal of this diploma thesis is to find out whether and how skills necessary for playing a musical instrument affect driving ability. Recently, there is an increase in driving simulation aids, which allow for quick, standardized and ecological testing of driving skill. Nevertheless, all studies, which compared skills of musicians compared to non-musicians, studied skills not directly connected to driving. We used a driving simulator experiment to compare reaction times of ten musicians to a control group of ten non-musicians in different scenarios - reaction time based on signal light, cognitive reaction time, acoustic reaction time and reaction time based on peripheral vision. We compared means of reaction times between groups of musicians and non-musicians, and divided reaction time into thinking time and movement time (time for moving the foot to the brake pedal). Results uncover differences in reaction times of musicians, whose mean reaction times were lower. The greatest difference between the groups was measured in the cognitive reaction time. When we further divided reaction time into thinking time and movement time, it was evident that musicians were faster in the thinking time rather than moving the foot. However, a drummer in the musician group showed significantly lower movement times than the other musicians, as well as the control group. Statistically, there were no significant differences between the groups, which was expected due to the small sample size. Therefore, our findings were similar to some former studies, whereas we used dedicated driving simulation equipment for measuring driving skills.

Keywords:Driving simulation, driving skills, musicians, reaction time

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