
Aplikacija za nadzor psihofizičnega stanja voznika
ID Markič, Ajda (Author), ID Sodnik, Jaka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Število prometnih nesreč skupaj s številom udeležencev prometa vsako leto narašča. Med glavnimi razlogi za smrtne nesreče so utrujeni vozniki, vozniki pod stresom ali vplivom alkohola in vozniki, ki doživijo srčni napad. Hkrati pa se merilne naprave in pametni pripomočki, s pomočjo katerih lahko psihofizična stanja merimo in določamo, izboljšujejo. To nam je omogočilo, da smo izdelali preprosto aplikacijo, ki preko tehnologije ANT+ pridobi podatke iz nosljivega senzorja za merjenje srčnega utripa in določi trenutno psihofizično stanje voznika. Diplomska naloga se začne z raziskavo področja, ki je bila nujna za razumevanje nevarnih psihofizičnih stanj in dosedanjih rešitev za ukrepanje v takšnih primerih. V nadaljnjih poglavjih so predstavljeni možni ukrepi, zbrani na podlagi raziskave in uporabniških predlogov. Sledi opis razvoja in delovanja izdelane aplikacije, naloga pa se zaključi s kratko uporabniško študijo, v kateri smo zbrali različna mnenja in odzive uporabnikov.

Keywords:mobilna aplikacija, Android, ANT+, psihofizično stanje voznika
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130162 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76681987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Application for monitoring psychophysical state of a driver
The number of traffic accidents is rising consistently with the number of drivers. Some of the main reasons for fatal accidents are stressed or tired drivers, drunk drivers and drivers that suffer from heart attack. At the same time, wearable sensors and smart devices are better than ever. The latter allowed us to develop a simple application based on ANT+ technology. The application acquires data from a wearable sensor for measuring heart rate and assesses the current psychophysical state of a driver. The thesis starts with an overview of the researched field that is necessary to understand the dangerous psychophysical states and the current solutions in such cases. The following chapter presents various possible measures, some of which originate from the users’ suggestions and input. This is followed by a description of the application. The thesis ends with a short user study in which we gathered users’ opinions and feedback.

Keywords:mobile app, Android, ANT+, psychophysical state of a driver

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