
Načrtovanje uporabniškega vmesnika in uporabniške izkušnje z metodo oblikovalskega razmišljanja
ID Šega, Urša (Author), ID Javoršek, Dejana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil raziskati metodo oblikovalskega razmišljanja (angl. Design Thinking – DT) in njenih prilagoditev ter prenos ene izmed teh prilagoditev na načrtovanje uporabniške izkušnje in oblikovanje uporabniškega vmesnika. V prvem delu teoretičnega pregleda smo raziskali, kaj oblikovalsko razmišljanje sploh je in od kod izvira. Preučili smo več modelov, ki so na različnih področjih metodo oblikovalskega razmišljanja razvili na drugačne načine in podrobneje obdelali najpogosteje uporabljane in tiste, ki so se nam zdeli najbolj zanimivi za naše nadaljnje delo. Sledil je pregled skupnih lastnosti teh modelov, njihovih glavnih značilnosti in orodij, ki jih uporabljajo. V drugem delu teoretičnega pregleda smo oblikovalsko razmišljanje primerjali z uporabniško usmerjenim oblikovanjem (angl. User Centered Design – UCD) in uporabniško izkušnjo (angl. User Experience – UX) ter iskali razlike in podobnosti. Ugotavljali smo, če lahko preko oblikovalskega razmišljanja pridemo do dobre uporabniške izkušnje. V eksperimentalnem delu smo se odločili metodo oblikovalskega razmišljanja preizkusiti tudi na realnem projektu. Pripravili smo aplikacijo za promocijo in predstavitev Naravoslovnotehniške fakultete med srednješolci. K projektu smo pristopili tako, da smo izbrali enega izmed modelov, ki smo jih preučevali v teoretičnem pregledu – model oblikovalske agilnosti (angl. Design Agility) (Quade, Schlüter) in se dela lotili po korakih procesa, ki jih le ta predlaga. Ti koraki so nas vodili od raziskovanja izbranega področja in ciljne skupine do iskanja inovativnih rešitev za potrebe, ki smo jih zaznali skozi raziskavo. Na koncu smo idejo spravili v vizualno obliko in pripravili interaktiven prototip, ki smo ga tudi testirali in preko testov zbrali povratne informacije naših uporabnikov, ki so nam služile kot izhodišče za nadgradnjo. Kot predlaga metoda oblikovalskega razmišljanja, smo skozi celoten proces na vseh stopnjah dela vključevali naše potencialne uporabnike. Njihove odzive ter mnenja smo upoštevali pri načrtovanju in oblikovanju aplikacije.

Keywords:Oblikovalsko razmišljanje, uporabniška izkušnja, uporabniško usmerjeno oblikovanje, uporabniški vmesnik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2021
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Title:Designing User Interface and User Experience with Design Thinking
The purpose of this master's thesis was to research Design Thinking process and its multiple variations and to choose one of these variations and use it as a tool for designing user experience and user interface. In the first part of our theoretical overview we researched what is Design Thinking, where does it originate from and how did different fields influence the process to develop in separate directions, creating different models of Design Thinking. We focused on variations that are the most common and we also looked at some that seemed interesting for our further work. We wanted to find out what are the common features of these models, what are their main characteristics and what tools do they use. In the second part of theoretical overview we compared Design Thinking to User centered Design and User Experience and we tried to find out what do these fields have in common and weather Design Thinking process could lead to a good user experience. We continued our master’s thesis with a project, on which we applied one of the Design Thinking models we researched. In the project we planned and designed a promotional app for the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering. The purpose of the app was introducing the faculty to future students. For our work we have chosen a Design Agility (Quade, Schlüter) model and followed the steps it recommends. These steps led us from thorough research of the field and our targeted audience to searching for innovative solutions that would answer to user needs that we acknowledged during research. We continued with turning our idea into visual form and building an interactive prototype that we tested with representatives of our target audience. We collected the feedback from our users and used it for further improvements. As the Design Thinking process suggests we included users on every level of our project and included what we learned from them in planning and designing of the app.

Keywords:Design Thinking, User Experience, User Centered Design, User Interface

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