
Iz učilnic na internet – transformacija neformalnega izobraževanja v času epidemije COVID-19: neformalno izobraževanje zaposlenih na ZRSZ v času epidemije COVID-19 : neformalno izobraževanje zaposlenih na ZRSZ v času epidemije COVID-19
ID Bašan, Tina (Author), ID Svetlik, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Nenehno izobraževanje zaposlenih je ključno za njihovo osebno rast na eni strani in uspešnost organizacije na drugi. Proces učenja in izobraževanja se ne zaustavlja, tudi v času izrednih razmer kot je na primer epidemija, zato se morajo organizacije čim bolje in čim hitreje prilagoditi na zunanje razmere ter čim bolj kakovostno in nemoteno izvajati izobraževalne procese za svoje zaposlene. Z razumevanjem procesa učenja in koncepta znanja lahko organizacija ustvari kakovostno okolje, v katerem bodo zaposleni izkoristili ves svoj potencial, jih motivira in ne nenazadnje tudi vpliva na uspešnost učnih rezultatov in pretoka znanja. Neformalna izobraževanja predstavljajo ključne mehanizme osebnega in profesionalnega razvoja zaposlenih v organizaciji. V magistrski nalogi sem raziskovala vpliv transformacije načina izobraževanja na Zavodu Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje v času epidemije COVID-19 na kakovost izobraževanja, motivacijo zaposlenih za izobraževanje in njihovo participacijo v procesu izobraževanja. Ključni cilj magistrske naloge je torej prikazati prednosti in slabosti neformalnega izobraževanja zaposlenih na daljavo ter nakazati oziroma predlagati rešitve za tovrstno spremembo. Ugotovitve analize anketnega vprašalnika kažejo, da se kakovost izobraževanja kljub premiku izobraževalnega procesa iz učilnice na splet ni poslabšala. Prav tako ugotavljam, da motivacija udeležencev pri izobraževanju na daljavo ni manjša kot pri izobraževanju v živo v učilnici. Analiza prikazuje tudi, da spremembi izobraževalne strukture in procesa vplivata na aktivno participacijo zaposlenih ter, da večina zaposlenih preferira izobraževanje v živo.

Keywords:neformalno izobraževanje, izobraževanje na daljavo, znanje, učenje, Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Bašan]
Number of pages:99 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-130011 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:78940163 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:From schoolrooms to the internet – the transformation of informal education during the COVID-19 epidemic: informal education of employees at the ESS during the COVID-19 epidemic : magistrsko delo
Continuous employee education is crucial to the personal growth of employees on one hand and organizational success on the other. The process of learning and education does not stop, even during emergencies such as the epidemic. Thus, organizations must adapt as best and as quickly as possible to external conditions and implement educational processes for their employees as efficiently and smoothly as possible. By understanding the learning process and the concept of knowledge, an organization can create a quality environment in which employees can use their full potential, motivate employees and, finally, influence the success of learning outcomes and knowledge transfer. Informal education is a key mechanism for personal and professional development of an employee in the organization. In my master's thesis, I researched the impact of education method transformation at the Employment Service of Slovenia during the COVID-19 epidemic on education quality, employee motivation for education and employee participation in the education process. The key goal of the master's thesis is therefore to show the advantages and disadvantages of informal distance education and to suggest or propose solutions for such a change. The findings from the questionnaire analysis show that the quality did not deteriorate despite the shift of the educational process from the classroom to the internet. I also found that the motivation of participants in distance education is not lower than in live education in the classroom. The analysis also shows that changes in the educational structure and process affect the active participation of employees and that most employees prefer live education.

Keywords:informal education, distance education, knowledge, learning, Employment Service of Slovenia.

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