
Analiza tablet za pomivalni stroj z rentgensko praškovno difrakcijo
ID Šparlek, Klara (Author), ID Meden, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ko pomislimo na trde snovi običajno pomislimo na kamnine in na minerale. A obstajajo tudi trdnine, ki jih uporabljamo v gospodinjstvu. Čeprav so čistila običajno tekočine, so tablete za pomivanje posode trdnine. Zato še toliko bolj vzbujajo zanimanje: kako so sestavljene, kako delujejo ter kako lahko analiziramo sestavo teh trdnin? Kristalinične trdne snovi imajo red dolgega dosega. Atomi oziroma molekule sestavljajo osnovno celico, v kateri so prisotni različni simetrijski elementi. Ko rentgenski žarek zadene kristal pride do sipanja; kadar je izpolnjen Braggov pogoj pa pride do uklona. To lastnost kristalov izkorišča rentgenska difrakcija, saj so ukloni, ki nastanejo ob stiku rentgenskega žarka s kristalom določene snovi za to snov specifični in nam zato ta metoda omogoča identifikacijo določenih snovi na podlagi njihovih uklonov. Diagram intenzitete uklonov v odvisnosti od uklonskega kota imenujemo difraktogram. Difraktograme sem analizirala s pomočjo različnih programov. Expert High-Score sem uporabila za primerjavo difraktogramov, Crystal Search-Match sem uporabila za identifikacijo snovi in Mercury za izris izračunanega difraktograma na podlagi poznane strukture snovi. V diplomski nalogi sem poskusila identificirati sestavine tablet za pomivanje posode, a sem uspela določiti le glavne komponente. Identificirane sestavine sem primerjala z deklaracijo in ugotovila, da nisem mogla identificirati sestavin, ki se v tableti nahajajo v manjši količini.

Keywords:rentgenska praškovna difrakcija, tablete za pomivanje posode, kvalitativna fazna analiza, čistila
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129937 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:79760131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of dishwashing tablets using X-ray powder diffraction
When we think of solids, we imagine rocks and minerals. However, we also use solids in households. Cleaning supplies are usually liquids, but dishwashing tablets are solids. Therefor they are even more interesting. What is their composition, how they work and how can we analyse the composition of this solids? Crystalline solids have a long-range order. Atoms or molecules form unit cell with different symmetry elements. When X-Rays collides with crystal they will diffract; when Bragg’s law is fulfilled diffraction maximum will occur. We use this crystal feature in X-ray powder diffraction, because diffraction pattern that occurs when x-ray collides with specific substance is specific to this substance, which allows us to identify specific substances according to their diffraction patterns. Diffractogram is diagram showing how the intensity of diffracted radiation varies with the angle of diffraction. I used different programs to analyse diffractograms. I used Expert High-Score to compere diffractograms, Crystallographica Search-Match to identify substances in tablets and Mercury to draw specific structure and calculate its diffractogram. I tried to identify components of the dishwashing tablets, but I only managed to identify main components. I compared identified components with declaration and found out that I could not identify components that tablet contained less of.

Keywords:X-ray powder diffraction, dishwashing tablet, qualitative phase analysis, cleaning supplies

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