
Vpliv hlajenja fotonapetostnih celic na njihovo vršno moč in proizvodnjo električne energije
ID Rovan, Jure (Author), ID Arkar, Ciril (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Medved, Sašo (Comentor)

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Količino proizvedene električne energije s fotonapetostnimi sistemi lahko povečamo na več načinov, in sicer z zgoščevalniki sončnega sevanja, s sledenjem Soncu in hlajenjem sončnih celic. V nalogi smo raziskali hlajenje, ker je to področje, kjer se še lahko izboljša učinkovitost delovanja, in ker je to tema, ki še ni zelo raziskana. Z eksperimentom smo preverili hlajenje s fazno spremenljivo snovjo in hlapilno hlajenje z navlaženim gradnikom iz umetnih vlaken ter z navlaženim gradnikom iz naravnih vlaken. Pri izvedbi eksperimenta smo najprej uredili merilno progo z ustreznimi merilniki, nato smo preverili, če so temperature vseh treh virtualnih sončnih celic enake. Po primerjavi smo eksperiment nadgradili s tehniko hlapilnega hlajenja in hlajenja s fazno spremenljivo snovjo. Uporabili smo meteorološke podatke treh različnih podnebij na območju Evrope in nato izračunali učinkovitost delovanja in letno proizvedeno električno energijo. Rezultati so pokazali, da hlajenje s fazno spremenljivo snovjo ne deluje, ker je fazno spremenljiva snov na spodnji strani virtualne sončne celice delovala kot izolator. Hlapilno hlajenje z navlaženim gradnikom iz umetnih vlaken je delovalo precej bolje kot hlajenje s fazno spremenljivo snovjo, še boljše rezultate pa je proizvedlo hlapilno hlajenje z naravnimi vlakni.

Keywords:obnovljivi viri energije, sončna energija, fotonapetostne celice, naravno hlajenje, vršna moč sončne celice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Rovan]
Number of pages:XXVI, 59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129899 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:77197571 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2021
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Title:Influence of cooling of photovoltaic cells on the peak power and electricity production
We can increase produced electricity by photovoltaic systems in several ways, with solar radiation thickeners, sun-tracking systems, and solar cell cooling. In the paper, we explored cooling because it is an area where we can still improve performance and because it is a topic that has not been much researched yet. With the experiment, we checked the cooling with phase-change materials and the evaporative cooling with a moistened building block made of artificial fibers and with a moistened building block made of natural fibers. Firstly, we arranged the measuring line with appropriate meters, and then we checked if the temperatures of all three virtual solar cells were the same. After comparison, we upgraded the experiment with the evaporative cooling technique and cooling with phase-change materials. We used meteorological data from three different climates in Europe and then calculated operating efficiency and annual electricity production. The results showed that cooling with phase-change materials did not work because they acted as an insulator on the underside. Evaporative cooling with artificial fibers worked much better than cooling with phase-change materials. Evaporative cooling with natural fibers produced even better results.

Keywords:renewable sources of energy, solar energy, photovoltaics, natural cooling, peak power of the solar cell

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