
Uporaba mešanih porazdelitev za popis pretržnih sil obrabljene dinamične plezalne vrvi
ID Kovče, Urh (Author), ID Nagode, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Oman, Simon (Comentor)

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Problematika določitve dobe trajanja dinamičnih plezalnih vrvi je zaradi velikega števila faktorjev, ki vplivajo na obrabljenost, zelo široko in kompleksno področje. V tej zaključni nalogi smo se odločili, da bomo preverili, kolikšno nosilnost imajo že obrabljene plezalne vrvi. To smo storili z nateznimi testi vrvi, kjer smo pridobili pretržne sile. Najprej je bilo treba razviti orodje, ki nam je omogočilo izvedbo preizkusov. Nato sta sledili izvedba preizkusov ter statistična analiza rezultatov. Meritve in analiza so pokazali, da je vrv v centralnem delu ohranila nosilnost povsem nove plezalne vrvi. V nasprotju s tem pa je na krajnih intervalih vrvi prišlo do padca v nosilnosti okoli 40 % v primerjavi z novo vrvjo. Rezultati so pokazali razliko v nosilnosti tudi med enim in drugim koncem vrvi, kar nas pripelje do zaključka, da je bila vrv uporabljena nesimetrično. Iz tega ponovno sledi, da sta ravno uporaba in obraba tisti, ki zmanjšujeta nosilnost plezalne vrvi, ne pa njena starost.

Keywords:plezalna vrv, pretržna sila, doba trajanja, stopnja obrabljenosti, nosilnost, mešane porazdelitve, REBMIX algoritem
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Kovče]
Number of pages:XIV, 34 str., [2] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129898 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:82691843 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Usage of mixture distribution to model the breaking forces of a worn dynamic climbing rope
The problem of determining the life span of dynamic climbing ropes is a very wide and complex area due to the large number of factors that affect level of worn. In this final task, we decided to check the load capacity of already worn climbing ropes. We did this with the tensile rope tests, where we gained breaking forces. Firstly, it was necessary to develop a tool that allowed us to perform tests. It was followed by implementation of tests and the statistical analysis of the results. Measurements and analysis showed that the rope in the central part maintained the load capacity of a completely new climbing rope. In contrast, at the edge intervals of the rope, there was a drop in load capacity of around 40 % compared to the new rope. The results also showed a difference in load capacity between one and the other ends of the rope, leading us to conclude that the rope was used asymmetrically. It follows once again that it is precisely the use and worn that reduces the load capacity of the climbing rope and not its age.

Keywords:climbing rope, breaking force, life span, level of worn, load capacity, mixture distribution, REBMIX algorithm

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