
Prehrana psice in mladičev pred kotitvijo in po njej
ID Železnik, Hana (Author), ID Pirman, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prehrana breje in doječe psice se začne takoj po njenem rojstvu, saj se že takrat oblikujejo prehranske navade psice, ki jo pripravijo na uspešno koncepcijo in brejost. Med brejostjo mora psica zaužiti dovolj energije in beljakovin krme ter mineralov, še posebej sta pomembna kalcij in fosfor. Prav tako med brejostjo psici ne sme primanjkovati folne kisline. V času laktacije je pomemben zadosten vnos vode zaradi tvorbe mleka. Poskrbeti moramo tudi, da bo psica zaužila dovolj veliko energije, saj se vzdrževalne potrebe povečajo za približno dvakrat. Pomemben mineral, ki ga potrebuje psica med laktacijo, je kalcij, saj sodeluje pri tvorbi mleka. Za mladiče je ključno mlezivo, ki ga morajo zaužiti čim prej po kotitvi, saj jim zagotavlja pasivno imunost. Na praktičnem primeru smo preverili primernost prehrane psice in mladičev s pomočjo normativov NRC. Suha krma Farmina Team Breeder Puppy Lamb & Blueberry Pumpkin je dovolj hranljiva krma za pokritje vseh prehranskih potreb breje psice. Doma pripravljen obrok Mothers Pudding, ki je odlična alternativa suhe krme, pokriva energijske in beljakovinske potrebe psice med laktacijo. Mladiči so bili po odstavitvi krmljeni prav z enako suho krmo Farmina s prilagojeno količino za določeno starost mladičev. Tudi pri njih pokrije vse prehranske potrebe. Poleg suhe krme se mladičem lahko dodajajo različni sestavljeni kuhani obroki, presno meso in različni priboljški, da poskusijo in se navadijo raznolikih okusov, preden odidejo v nov dom.

Keywords:psi, prehrana živali, brejost, laktacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129856 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76487939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Nutrition of bitch and offspring before and after birth
The nutrition of a pregnant and lactating bitch begins immediately after birth. This is the time when nutritional habits are developed that help the bitch successfully conceive and gestate. During the gestation, the bitch must receive enough energy, protein and minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus. The bitch must also receive enough folic acid. During lactation, the bitch needs enough water to produce milk. We also have to make sure that the bitch eats enough, as her energy needs double. An important mineral that the dog needs during lactation is calcium, as it is necessary for milk production. The first milk is critical for the offspring as it provides passive immunity and must be ingested as soon as possible after the birth. We used NRC standards to verify the nutritional requirements of a special dog food for a bitch and her offspring. Farmina Team Breeder Puppy Lamb & Blueberry Pumpkin dry dog food is nutritionally sufficient for a pregnant bitch. Mothers Pudding, a home-prepared meal and an excellent alternative to dry dog food, has sufficient energy and protein for a nursing bitch. The offspring were fed the same Farmina dry food in an amount appropriate for their age. It was nutritionally sufficient for them as well. In addition to the dry food, the offspring can be given various cooked meals, raw meat and other treats so that they can get used to different tastes before they arrive in their new home.

Keywords:dogs, animal nutrition, pregnancy, lactation

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