
Načrtovanje logičnega krmiljenja z modeli in avtomatskim generiranjem kode : diplomsko delo
ID Finc, Rajko (Author), ID Mušič, Gašper (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na gradnjo modela, iz katerega lahko generiramo kodo za programirljive logične krmilnike, in uporabo generirane kode za vodenje sistema. Naloga je sestavljena iz štirih delov. V prvem delu je predstavljena vsa programska oprema, ki sem jo potreboval za izdelavo naloge, v drugem delu je predstavljeno delo s programsko opremo Matlab in izdelava modela, v tretjem je opisano delo z uvozom generirane kode v programsko opremo TwinCAT 3 in simulacijo v njej, v četrtem, zadnjem delu pa je govora o 3-D simulaciji v programski opremi Festo Ciros Education. Programska oprema Matlab in pripadajoči orodji Simulink in Stateflow omogočata izdelavo modelov s pomočjo diagramov stanj, diagramov poteka, tabel prehodov in pravilnostnih tabel. Na tak način smo zgradili model celotnega sistema, ki predstavlja algoritem za vodenje sistema, signalizacijo ter simulira samo delovanje sistema. S pomočjo orodja Simulink PLC Coder smo iz omenjenega modela nato generirali kodo v strukturiranem tekstu, ki smo jo uvozili v programsko opremo TwinCAT 3 Engineering, ki omogoča programiranje logičnih krmilnikov proizvajalca Beckhoff. V programskem okolju TwinCAT 3 smo uporabili generirano kodo za program, ki krmili delovanje sistema in skrbi za pravilno delovanje aktuatorjev omenjenega sistema. Program smo tudi preizkusili na simulaciji, ki je bila tudi zgrajena v programski opremi TwinCAT 3 Engineering. V zadnjem delu smo se še odločili za testiranje generirane kode v programski opremi Festo Ciros Education, ki omogoča 3-D simulacijo.

Keywords:modeliranje, generiranje kode, simulacija, Matlab, modularni proizvodni sistem, TwinCAT 3, PLK, strukturiran tekst, Festo Ciros Education
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Finc]
Number of pages:XVI, 56 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129818 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:76007171 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2021
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Title:Model-based logic control design with automatic code generation : visokošolski strokovni študijski program prve stopnje Aplikativna elektrotehnika
The Diploma thesis focuses on the construction of a model, from which code for programmable logic controllers can be generated, and the use of the code to control the system. It has four parts. The first part introduces all the software we needed for the assignment, the second part introduces working with Matlab and building a model, in the third part it is described work with imports of generated code and working with TwinCAT 3 and in fourth, final part, we talk about software Festo Ciros Education and 3-D simulation. The Matlab software and the associated Simulink and Stateflow tools allow models to be built using state transition diagrams, flow diagrams, state transition tables and truth tables. In this way, we have built a model of the whole system, which represents the algorithm for system control, signalization and simulates the operation of the system itself. Using the Simulink PLC Coder tool, we generated the code in Structured Text from the model, which was imported into Beckhoff's TwinCAT 3 Engineering programming software. In the TwinCAT 3 programming environment, we have used the generated code for a program that will control the operation of the system and ensure the correct operation of the actuators of the system. We have also tested program on a simulation, built in the software. In the last part, we decided to test generated code in software Festo Ciros Education, which enables 3-D simulation.

Keywords:modelling, code generation, simulation, Matlab, modular production system, TwinCAT 3, PLC, Structured text, Festo Ciros Education

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