
Oblikovanje grafične podobe glasbene skupine in glasbenega albuma
ID Bužanin, Eva (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je predstavljeno področje oblikovanja grafične podobe v glasbeni industriji. V prvem delu, tj. teoretičnem delu, so opisani osnovni teoretični vidiki oblikovanja blagovne znamke oz. vizualne podobe glasbenikov. Poleg tega je predstavljen tudi zgodovinski pregled oblikovanja glasbenih albumov, opis današnjih trendov oblikovanja, podobe glede na glasbeno zvrst ter njen vpliv na prodajo. Namen diplomskega dela je bil torej sprva raziskati in analizirati področje grafičnega oblikovanja za glasbeno industrijo in oblikovati novo celostno grafično podobo glasbene skupine, predstavljeno skozi celostni grafični priročnik ter podobo glasbenega albuma – naslovnico in fizični izdelek. Teoretični del predstavlja podlago za uspešno oblikovanje in izvedbo eksperimentalnega dela. V njem je po posameznih korakih predstavljen in opisan celoten potek oblikovanja podobe glasbene skupine in glasbenega albuma, od analiz in idejnih zasnov do končne rešitve. Ta del je v veliki meri osredotočen tudi na pomembnost vključitve naročnika (želj, idej in zahtev) v celoten proces. Za dobro načrtovan proces je sprva predstavljen in opisan raziskovalni problem, vsi uporabljeni materiali in postopki ter predstavljen naročnik in projekt s ciljnimi skupinami in z današnjimi trendi v oblikovanju. Sodelovanje z naročnikom in razumevanje njegove miselnosti je ključnega pomena za uspešno oblikovanje. Po raziskavah in analizah je v tem delu sledil razvoj osnovne oblike logotipa in na podlagi te podoba z vsemi primarnimi in sekundarnimi grafičnimi elementi (osnovna oblika logotipa, sekundarna oblika logotipa, simbol, barvna shema, tipografija, poslovne tiskovine, primeri uporabe). Vsi elementi so predstavljeni v celostnem grafičnem priročniku z vključenimi pravili rabe. Na podlagi te analize, zgodbe, skladb in idejnih zasnov je bila v sodelovanju z naročnikom oblikovana podoba glasbenega albuma. Sprva naslovnica digitalne različice in kasneje še njena umestitev na izbrano embalažo in zgoščenko. Celoten proces oblikovanja vizualnih podob je podrobno opisan, prikazan in utemeljen. Skozi proces se je spremljala pomembnost in količina vključevanja želj, zahtev in idej naročnika, ki je skupaj z likovno analizo končnih rešitev pojasnjena in predstavljena kot rezultat in zaključek diplomskega dela.

Keywords:glasbena skupina, celostna grafična podoba, glasbeni album, naslovnica, zgoščenka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129808 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Designing a visual identity for music band and album cover
The diploma thesis presents the field of graphic design in the music industry. The first part, i.e. the theoretical part, describes the fundamental theoretical aspects of brand design or visual identity for musicians. In addition, a historical overview of the design of music albums, a description of today's design trends, the image according to the musical genre and its impact on sales are presented. The purpose of the diploma thesis was initially to research and analyze the field of graphic design for the music industry and create a new corporate graphic image of the music group, presented through a comprehensive graphic manual and the image of the music album - cover and physical product. The theoretical part is the basis for the successful design and implementation of experimental work. In individual steps, the entire process of creating the image of a music group and a music album is presented and described, from the conceptual design to the final solution. This part also focuses on the importance of involving the client (wishes, ideas and requirements) in the whole process. For a well-planned process, the research problem, all materials and procedures are initially presented and described, and the client and the project are presented with the target groups and today's design trends. Working with the client and understanding their mindset is a key to a successful design. After research and analysis, this part was followed by the development of the basic form of the logo and image with all primary and secondary graphic elements (basic logo form, secondary logo form, symbol, color scheme, typography, business stationery, use cases). All elements are presented in a comprehensive graphic manual with rules of use included. Based on this, the analysis of the story, of the songs and of conceptual designs, the image of the music album was formed – initially, the cover of the digital version and later its placement on the selected CD packaging. The whole process of creating visual images is described in detail, shown and substantiated. The process also monitored the importance and quantity of including the client’s wishes, requirements, and ideas. It is explained and presented together with the artistic analysis of the entire design as a result and the conclusion of the thesis.

Keywords:music band, visual identity, music album, album cover, compact disc

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