
Značilnosti pridelave krme na sejanem travinju v kolobarju na govedorejski kmetiji
ID Brumen, Aljaž (Author), ID Vidrih, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Intenzivne govedorejske kmetije, predvsem na ravnini, so primorane za pridelavo voluminozne krme sejati travo tudi na njive. Zato jim je glavni cilj pridelati čim več krme na čim manj površine oziroma dane površine čim bolje izkoristiti. Eden od možnih načinov je setev trav kot zimska ozelenitev, nato z eno ali dvema spomladanskima košnjama posevka pridobiti tem obilnejši pridelek, zatem pa zasaditi koruzo kot glavni posevek. Za ugotovitev optimalnega izkoristka njiv smo v poskusu zasejali travne mešanice na tri parcele. V letu 2019 smo spremljali njihovo rabo in ob vsaki košnji ugotavljali naslednje parametre: grobo botanično sestavo ruše, višino ob košnji, pridelek sveže mase in nekatere kakovostne parametre. Glavni cilj je bil ugotoviti, ali je mogoče zagotoviti dovolj krme na površinah, ki so na razpolago, le z eno spomladansko košnjo in nato nameniti površino za setev koruze. Prav tako pa ugotoviti, ali s prvo košnjo res lahko dosežemo največji pridelek in najboljšo kakovost krme. Vse analize in ugotovitve smo izvajali na osnovi pridelka sveže mase travniške krme. Rezultati so pokazali, da se največji pridelek doseže s prvo in drugo košnjo. Pridelek sveže mase je pri prvi košnji v povprečju 30,8 t/ha in 34 t/ha pri drugi košnji. Vsebnost NEL in SB je bila najvišja ob prvi košnji, ki je pri NEL znašala na vseh parcelah povprečno 7 MJ/kg SS in pri SB 186 g/kg SS. Najnižji vsebnosti NEL in SB sta bili pri četrti košnji in sta znašali 5,7 MJ/kg SS in 129 g/kg SS. Ob koncu so rezultati pokazali, da če želi kmetija zagotoviti dovolj zelene mase za vse govedo na kmetiji samo z eno (prvo) košnjo, mora zasejati ob primerljivih vremenskih pogojih 7,15 ha zemljišč za pridelavo travniške krme.

Keywords:travna ruša, travno-deteljna mešanica, kolobar, košnja, pridelava krme
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Brumen]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129784 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:75316483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Forage production characteristics of sown grassland on beef farm
Intensive cattle farms, mostly in lowlands, are obliged to sow grass to produce voluminous fodder also on arable fields. Therefore, their main goal is to produce as much fodder as possible on the smallest possible area or to make the best use of the given area. One possible way is to sow grass as winter crop and then, with one or two spring cuts obtain a more abundant crop. And then plant maize as the main crop. To determine the optimal utilization of the arable fields, grass mixtures were planted on three field plots. Then their usage was monitored and the following parameters were determined at each mowing: botanical composition, height at mowing, fresh herbage yield and some quality parameters. The main objective was to determine whether sufficient fodder could be provided on areas available with only one spring cut and then to use the area for sowing maize. The other objective was to find out if the first cut really achieves the highest yield and the best quality. All analyzes and conclusions were performed on the basis of fresh mass yield. The results showed that the highest yield is achieved with the first and second cut. The yield of fresh mass on the first cut averaged 30.8 t/ha and 34 t/ha on the second cut. The content of NEL and CP was the highest at the first cut, which averaged 7 MJ/kg DM on all plots and CP 186 g/kg DM. The lowest NEL and CP contents were in the fourth cut and were 5.7 MJ NEL kg-1 DM NEL and 129 g CP kg-1 DM. In the end, the results showed that if a farm wants to provide enough green forage for all cattle on the farm with just one first cut, it has to plant 7.15 ha of land for sown fodder production under comparable weather conditions.

Keywords:grass sward, grass clover mixture, crop rotation, cutting, forage production

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