
Bionadzor fitopatogenih gliv z uporabo sevov Bacillus spp.
ID Novljan, Jona (Author), ID Petković, Hrvoje (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Goranovic, Dušan (Comentor)

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Fitopatogene plesni povzročajo velike izgube v kmetijstvu. V ta namen se večinoma uporabljajo kemični fungicidi, ki pa predstavljajo relativno veliko nevarnost za potrošnike in naravno okolje. V zadnjih letih je bilo v ta namen izvedenih veliko raziskav, ki so preučevale naravne antagonistične odnose med bakterijami in fitopatogenimi glivami. Po pregledu tega področja raziskav smo se odločili oceniti potencialno uporabo Bacillus spp. kot protiglivnih antagonistov. Uporabili smo preizkus neposrednega antagonizma na agarju iz krompirjevega dekstroznega agregata (PDA) za identifikacijo sevov Bacillus, kot je B. siamensis, ki kaže antagonistično aktivnost proti več fitopatogenim glivam. Naš nadaljnji cilj je bil ovrednotiti učinek filtrirane tekoče kulture B. siamensis proti Aspergillus niger in Botrytis cinerea in sicer z dodajanjem filtrata neposredno v tekoči PDA, kjer so bile gojene glivne kulture. Testirali smo vpliv časa gojenja (48 - 72 ur), koncentracije glukoze (5 - 20 g/L) in koncentracije filtrata kulture B. siamensis (1 % - 10 %) na glivne kulture, ki rastejo na PDA. Najvišjo zaviranje rasti tako B. cinerea kot A. niger smo odkrili, ko je bil B. siamensis 48 ur kultiviran v gojišču z nizko vsebnostjo glukoze (5 g/L). Dosegli smo zaviranje do 50 % glivne rasti. Na podlagi naših rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da ima sev B. siamensis dober potencial kot sredstvo za bionadzor proti več fitopatogenim glivam. Posebno močan učinek na rast smo opazili pri glivi B. cinerea.

Keywords:bionadzor, Bacillus spp., fitopatogene glive, direktni antagonizem, inhibicija rasti gliv
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Novljan]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129783 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:75582979 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Biocontrol of phytopathogenic fungi using strains of Bacillus spp.
Phytopathogenic molds cause huge losses in agriculture. Chemical fungicides are mostly used for this purpose, but they present relative high hazard for consumers and the environment. In recent years, however, much research has been devoted in the study of natural antagonistic relationships between bacteria and phytopathogenic fungi. After reviewing this area of reserach, we decided to evaluate potential application of Bacillus spp as antifungal antagonists. We used a direct antagonism assay on potato dextrose agar (PDA) to identiffy a Bacillus strains such as B. siamensis displaying antagonistic activity against several phytopathogenic fungi. It was out aim to evaluate the effect of the liquid culture filtrate of B. siamensis against Aspergillus niger and Botrytis cinerea by adding the filtrate directly to the liquid PDA, where the fungal cultures were cultivated on. We tested influence of cultivation time (48 - 72 hours), glucose concentration (5 - 20 g/L) and culture filtrate concentration (1% - 10%) on fungal cultures growing on PDA. The highest growth inhibition of both B. cinerea and A. niger were detected when B. siamensis was cultivated in low glucose medium (5 g/L) for 48 h. We achieved inhibition of up to 50% of fungal growth. Based on our results, we can conclude that the B. siamensis strain has a good potential as biocontrol agent against several phytopathogenic fungi. Particularly strong effect on growth was observed on the fungus B. cinerea.

Keywords:biocontrol, Bacillus spp., phytopathogenic fungi, direct antagonism, inhibition of fungal growth

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