
Termična upodobljevalna tehnologija
ID Grum, Erika (Author), ID Klančnik, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljeno delovanje termičnega upodobljevalnika Suprasetter 106 proizvajalca Heidelberg z obliko zunanjega bobna ter umerjanje novega upodobljevalnika s starejšim modelom, ki ga že več let uporabljajo v tiskarni. Predstavljena je tudi izdelava termične tiskarske plošče Azura TU (Agfa), ki je primerna za digitalno osvetljevanje na omenjenem upodobljevalniku. Tiskarska plošča ima sloj, ki se pod vplivom termičnega sevanja stali, in je okolju prijaznejša, saj v nadaljnji izdelavi tiskovne forme ne potrebuje razvijalca. V diplomski nalogi so predstavljeni različni testi, ki se lahko uporabijo za umerjanje upodobljevalnikov, kot so testi fokusiranja in moči osvetljevanja ter test z merjenjem rastrske tonske vrednosti na tiskovnih formah, upodobljenih z obema upodobljevalnikoma. V skladu s pričakovanji so bila ugotovljena majhna odstopanja od idealnih vrednosti meritev rastrske tonske vrednosti. Potrjena je bila ustrezna umeritev novega upodobljevalnika na starejšega z enako upodobitvijo tiskarske plošče po celotni dolžini. Podjetju je ta raziskava koristila, saj so tako pridobili možnost identične izdelave tiskovne forme na obeh upodobljevalnikih in tako hitrejšo pripravo za tisk.

Keywords:tiskovna forma, termična tiskarska plošča, CTP, infrardeči laser, umeritev.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129706 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2021
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Title:Thermal Imaging Technology
The diploma thesis presents the operation of a thermal platesetter Suprasetter 106 manufactured by Heidelberg with the form of an external drum and the calibration of a new platesetter with an older model, which is already used in the printing house. The making of Azura TU thermal printing plate (Agfa), which is suitable for digital imaging on the mentioned setter, was also presented. The printing plate has a layer that melts under the influence of thermal radiation and is more environmentally friendly, as it does not need a developer in the further production of the printing form. The diploma thesis presents various tests that can be used for calibration of platesetters, such as tests of focusing and illuminance intensity and a test by measuring the raster tone value on printing forms imaged with both setters. As expected, a small deviation from the ideal values of raster tone values was found. The proper calibration of the new platesetter to the older one with the same comparable imaging the full-length printing plate was confirmed. The company benefited from this research, as it gained the possibility of identical production of the printing forms on both platesetters and thus faster preparation for printing.

Keywords:Printing Plate, Thermal Printing Plate, CTP, Infrared Laser, Calibration.

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