
Mehanska funkcionalizacija žakarskih tkanin
ID Bajrič, Špela (Author), ID Bizjak, Matejka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kostajnšek, Klara (Comentor)

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MD5: 9ADA07B5ED5AD96BE026B2E8F57AC83C

V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali vpliv nekaterih konstrukcijskih parametrov na končne lastnosti žakarskih tkanin. Z osnovnimi konstrukcijskimi parametri tkanine, tj. surovinsko sestavo in dolžinsko maso uporabljene preje, gostoto niti v osnovi in votku ter vezavo, vplivamo na fizikalno-mehanske, prepustnostne, estetske in druge lastnosti tkanine, ki določajo njeno končno uporabo. Načrtovanje vstopnih parametrov za konstrukcije namenske tkanine imenujemo mehanska funkcionalizacija tkanin. Med seboj smo primerjali devet tkanin, pri katerih smo uporabili tri različne preje v smeri votka (bombaž, modal in Lyocell Clima), dva različna žakarska vzorca in dve skupini dvojnih tkanin iz keprov (prevezane in neprevezane vezave). Vse tkanine so bile izdelane na isti osnovi, pri enakih pogojih. Preiskali smo fizikalno-mehanske lastnosti uporabljenih prej in tkanin ter ugotovili, da dolžinska masa preje, premer preje in vezava v veliki meri vplivajo na lastnosti žakarskih tkanin. Tkanine z bombažno prejo v votku, ki je imela največjo dolžinsko maso, so imele najmanjšo gostoto niti, največjo debelino in ploščinsko maso ter posledično najmanjšo zračno prepustnost, največjo toplotno prevodnost, najvišji ultravijolični zaščitni faktor, vendar najslabšo dimenzijsko stabilnost. Pri tkaninah z modalom, ki je imel najnižjo dolžinsko maso, so rezultati meritev ravno obratni kot pri tkaninah z bombažno prejo. Tkanine s prejo Lyocell Clima v votku, ki je imela skoraj enako dolžinsko maso kot bombažna preja, so najbolj odporne proti pilingu, imajo najboljšo dimenzijsko stabilnost in največjo pretržno silo v smeri votka. Dvojne, neprevezane tkanine imajo zaradi manj kompaktne strukture manjšo pretržno silo in manjši pretržni raztezek, slabši ultravijolični zaščitni faktor in boljšo zračno prepustnost.

Keywords:mehanska funkcionalizacija, žakarske tkanine, konstrukcijski parametri, fizikalno-mehanske lastnosti, bombaž, modal, Lyocell Clima
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129699 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Mechanical functionalization of jacquard fabrics
In the thesis, the influence of some construction parameters on the end properties of jacquard woven fabrics was investigated. The basic constructional parameters of the fabric, i.e. raw material composition and linear density of the yarn, thread density in warp and weft and weave, influence the physical-mechanical properties, permeability, aesthetic and other properties of the fabric that determine its end use. The planning of the input parameters and the construction of the functional fabric is called the mechanical functionalization of the fabrics. We compared nine woven fabrics made of three different types of weft yarns (cotton, modal, Lyocell Clima), two different weave patterns, and two groups of double weaves (self stitched, unstitched ). All fabrics were woven with the same warp yarn and under the same conditions. We investigated the physical-mechanical properties of the yarns and fabrics and concluded that the linear density, the diameter of the yarns and the weave of the fabrics have a significant influence on the properties of the jacquard woven fabrics. Fabrics with cotton weft, which had the greatest linear density, had the smallest thread density in weft, the greatest fabric thickness and mass per unit area, and consequently the smallest air permeability, the greatest thermal conductivity, the highest UV protection factor, and the greatest dimensional changes. Fabrics with modal weft, which had the lowest linear density, obtained the opposite results than fabrics with cotton weft in all tests. Fabrics with Lyocell Clima weft, which had almost the same linear density as the cotton weft, were more resistant to pilling, showed the best resistance to dimensional changes, and the highest breaking point in the weft direction. Double non-stitched fabrics had lower breaking point and elongation at break and better air permeability as they had less compact structure.

Keywords:Mehanical Functionalization, Jacquard Fabrics, constructional parameters, physical-mechanical properties, cotton, modal, Lyocell Clima

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