
Stvaritev videospota za pesem Les Cornichons
ID Semečnik, Tara (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Comentor)

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Videospoti so že kar nekaj časa sestavni del glasbene scene. Ta medij je doživel bolj razširjeno uporabo šele v obdobju televizijskega programa MTV, ki pa še ni obstajal leta 1966, ko je izšla pesem, ki je osrednja tema mojega diplomskega dela, pesem Les Cornichons. Cilj tega diplomskega dela je ustvariti videospot za to pesem. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov: teoretičnega, v katerem se bo raziskovalo, kako se delajo videospoti, kakšna je njihova zgodovina, v čem je produkcija videospota drugačna od klasičnega filma, kakšno estetiko so uporabljali podobni mediji v času nastanka te pesmi (predvsem gibanje francoskega novega vala), nato pa se bo v drugem delu diplomskega dela, to je eksperimentalni del, vse te elemente vključilo v proces kreacije videospota. Namen diplomskega dela je ustvariti koheziven videospot, ki bo sovpadal z estetiko časa nastanka pesmi, obenem pa bo dodal dih modernosti, ter raziskati proces kreiranja videospota, njegove zgodovine in estetike francoskega novega vala.

Keywords:francoski novi val, glasbeni video, video, videoprodukcija, videospot
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129684 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2021
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Title:Making a music video for the song Les Cornichons
Music videos have been a staple of the music industry for quite a long time. The medium has experienced a more extensive use in the time of the television program MTV, which has not yet existed in the year 1966, when the song I will be making a music video for, has been released; the song is Les Cornichons by the french singer Nino Ferrer. The goal of this diploma thesis is to make a music video for this song. The thesis is comprised of two parts – the theoretical, where it will be explored how music videos are made, what their history is, in what aspects the production of music videos and classical film differs, what kind of aesthetic similiar mediums used in the time when this song was released (we are mostly interested in the French New Wave movement), in the second part, the experimental section, all of this knowledge will be used whilst creating the music video. The final goal of this thesis is to make a cohesive music video, that will fall into the aesthetics of those times, yet at the same time, add an air of modernity to it, and to explore the process of music video production, its history and the aesthetics of the French New Wave.

Keywords:French new wave, music video, music video production, video

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