
Uporaba izrednih pravnih sredstev v upravnem postopku po uradni dolžnosti
ID Majnik, Tilen (Author), ID Žuber, Bruna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pirnat, Rajko (Comentor)

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Izredna pravna sredstva v upravnem postopku kažejo na njegovo ambivalentnost, ki se vidi v istočasnem varovanju javnega interesa in interesov strank. Iz tega razloga morajo biti opredeljena in uporabljena tako, da je med enimi in drugimi interesi zagotovljeno ustrezno ravnotežje. Namen tega dela je analizirati, ali je to ravnotežje zagotovljeno v slovenski ureditvi izrednih pravnih sredstev, kadar se uporabijo po uradni dolžnosti. Avtor tako analizira omejitve uporabe izrednih pravnih sredstev po uradni dolžnosti z vidika varstva zaupanja v pravo in varstva pridobljenih pravic. V prvem delu predstavi štiri najpomembnejša načela, ki (so)determinirajo uporabo izrednih pravnih sredstev po uradni dolžnosti: načelo zakonitosti, načelo varstva javnega interesa, načelo varstva zaupanja v pravo in načelo pravnomočnosti. Pri tem se opredeli tudi do vsebinske povezave med varstvom zaupanja v pravo in načelom pravnomočnosti v upravnem postopku. V drugem delu sledi predstavitev sodne prakse ESČP in SEU, iz katerih izhajajo določene omejitve pri poseganju v pravnomočne upravne akte po uradni dolžnosti predvsem z vidika varovanja lastninske pravice. Pri tem se pokaže, da so omejitve za retroaktivno poseganje ob-čutno strožje kot omejitve za poseganje v posamične upravne akte z učinkom za naprej. Temu sledi še analiza slovenske sodne prakse, ki vprašanju omejitev poseganja v pravnomočne upravne akte še ni posvečala posebne pozornosti. Na koncu avtor analizira še možnost poseganja v upravne akte glede na različne njihove lastnosti (zakoniti oz. nezakoniti ter pozitivni oz. negativni) in ob uporabi primerjalnopravne metode kritično ovrednoti ureditev tega vprašanja glede na zahteve v uvodu izpostavljenih načel. V zaključku so preko potrditve ali ovrženja uvodnih hipotez povzeti ključni izsledki tega dela.

Keywords:Upravni postopek, izredna pravna sredstva po uradni dolžnosti, načelo zakonitosti, načelo varstva zaupanja v pravo, načelo pravnomočnosti, varstvo pridobljenih pravic, pravnomočni upravni akt, odprava in razveljavitev posamičnega upravnega akta
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129676 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:75508995 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Use of extraordinary legal remedies in administrative procedure ex officio
Extraordinary legal remedies display the ambivalence of administrative procedure, as it at the same time tries to protect public interest and the interests of the parties. For that reason, extraordinary legal remedies must be used in such a way, as to strike a balance between the two opposing interests. This work tries to assess, whether the right balance is achieved in Slovenian regulation of extraordi-nary legal remedies, when they are used ex officio. The author analyses limitations to the use of extraordinary legal remedies ex officio with respect to the protection of legitimate expectations and protection of acquired rights. In first part, he presents four most important principles, which (co)determine use of extraordinary legal remedies ex officio: principle of legality, principle of protection of the public interest, principle of protection of legitimate expecta-tions and the principle of finality of a legal decision. He also assesses the connection between the last two mentioned principles with respect to administrative procedure. This is followed by the second part, in which judicature of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of European Union is presented, from which certain limitation to the possibility of revocation of administrative decisions can be extracted, mostly with respect to the right to property. It is also shown that the limitations for retroactive revocation of administrative decisions are much stricter than limitations for pro futuro revocation. This is followed by an analysis of Slovenian judicature, which so far has not put much emphasis on the question of revocation of final administrative decisions. Lastly, the author analyses the possibilities of revocation of different types of administrative decisions (legal or illegal, positive or negative) and gives propositions for more effective regulation of this area with respect to the aforementioned principles. In doing so, he also uses the comparative method. In conclusion the most important results of this work are summarised by conformation or rejection of hypothesises, put forward in introduction.

Keywords:Administrative procedure, extraordinary legal remedies ex officio, principle of legality, of legitimate expectations and of finality of legal decisions, protection of acquired rights, final administrative act, retroactive and pro futuro revocation

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