
Romantična razmerja v neoliberalnem kapitalizmu : diplomsko delo
ID Lukan, Tanja (Author), ID Krašovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga se posveča značilnostim romantičnih razmerij v času neoliberalnega kapitalizma. Prvi del besedila je namenjen vprašanju, kakšen vpliv na odnose ima fleksibiliziran trg dela. Zajema tudi predstavitev novega razumevanja samega sebe pod vplivom neoliberalne kulturne klime, ki ga lahko označimo za podjetniški jaz, ob tem pa pojasnjuje, kako se zaradi tega spreminja pogled na romantična razmerja. Podjetniški jaz je v kontekstu romantičnih razmerij pomemben zaradi svoje težnje po delu na sebi, strmenju k razvoju in zaradi tega po vključevanju v psihoterapevtsko pomoč. Ravno v (partnerski) psihoterapiji so značilnosti sodobnih romantičnih razmerij najbolj jasno in neposredno izražene, zato iz nje črpam primere različnih nasvetov, priporočil in tehnik. Drugi del besedila se posveča vsem vidikom sklepanja, ohranjanja in razumevanja romantičnih razmerij, pa tudi načinu komuniciranja in obravnavanja čustvovanja, ki v neoliberalizmu vključujejo tržno logiko in težnjo po racionalizaciji in produktivnosti. Obarva nekatere značilnosti neoliberalnega kapitalizma, kot so vnos tržne logike na neekonomska področja in potencirane procese individualizacije, intelektualizacije in racionalizacije. Med drugim se osredotoča na izbiro partnerja, ki se odmika od romantične ljubezni in zaljubljenosti k metodični odločitvi, posveča pa se tudi dejtanju kot vmesni fazi pred vstopom v ekskluzivno romantično razmerje, v katerem se zaradi narave spletnega zmenkarjenja potencialni partnerji predstavljajo kot blago. Najobširnejši del diplomske naloge opisuje načine intelektualizacije čustvovanja, komunikacije in prepirov. Z intelektualizacijo čustva, izkazovanje naklonjenosti in romantične geste nastopajo kot predmeti, ki jih je možno analizirati, optimizirati in menjavati, hkrati pa se je ljubezni možno naučiti z različnimi pravili in vajami. Ob tem se zadnji del besedila sklicuje na diskurz intimnosti, ki je nadomestil idejo romantične ljubezni. Zadnje poglavje pojasni, zakaj ljubezen zaradi individualizacije, komodifikacije neekonomskih področij in pritiskov neoliberalnega trga dela boli.

Keywords:romantična razmerja, medosebni odnosi, čustva, komunikacija, neoliberalizem, psihoterapija, intimnost, podjetniški jaz
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Lukan]
Number of pages:47 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129599 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:87526147 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Romantic Relationships in Neoliberal Capitalism
The following thesis focuses on the characteristics of romantic relationships under neoliberal capitalism. The first part of the text explores the effect of labor market flexibilization on personal relationships. It also includes a description of a new kind of self- understanding that is formed in the cultural climate of neoliberalism, the so-called entrepreneurial self, and links it to the change in how people view romantic relationships in general. The importance of the entrepreneurial self (in this context) follows from its incessant imperative to work on oneself and its tendency towards personal growth, which lead subjects to seek help in psychotherapy. Precisely in (couples) psychotherapy is where characteristics of contemporary romantic relationships reveal themselves directly and in their clearest form, hence the thesis includes descriptions of various psychotherapeutic tips, guidelines and techniques. The second part of the text focuses on all the aspects of forming, maintaining and understanding romantic relationships, alongside an analysis of communication between partners and their treatment of emotions, which in the neoliberal context start to incorporate a kind of market logic and exhibit a tendency for rationalisation in service of productivity. It explicates some salient features of neoliberal capitalism, such as the entry of market-based logic into non-economic spheres of life and the intensification of processes of individualisation, intellectualisation and rationalisation. It sheds light on contemporary practices of choosing a partner which abandon the principles of romance and falling in love in favor of methodical selection, and focuses on the importance of dating as a phase that precedes the exclusive romantic relationship and in which partners - because of the nature of online dating - present themselves to each other as commodities to be sold. The main part of the thesis focuses on the ways in which emotions, communication and arguments in a relationship are intellectualised. Emotions, expressions of affection and romantic gestures come to be seen as objects, subject to analysis, optimisation and exchange, which furthers a conception of love as something that partners can be taught through practicing and adhering to certain rules. The last part of the thesis analyses the so-called intimacy discourse, which replaces the idea of romantic love, and explains why love - under the constraints of individualisation, commodification of non-economic spheres of life and the pressures of the neoliberal labor market - seems to hurt.

Keywords:romantic relationships, interpersonal relationships, emmotions, communication, neoliberalism, psychotherapy, intimacy, entrepreneurial self

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