
Dionizov kult v likovni umetnosti in literaturi: Od Evripidovih Bakhantk do bakhanalov italijanske renesanse in baroka
ID Avguštin, Eva (Author), ID Snoj, Vid (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Germ, Tine (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaključna seminarska naloga se ukvarja z Dionizovim kultom in zlasti s Pentejevim mitom v antični književnosti, z antičnimi upodobitvami menad in Dioniza ter raznolikimi pomeni, ki so jih Dioniz, Pentej in menade imeli v antiki in dodatno pridobili v srednjem veku. V drugem delu naloge je fokus na Dionizu, menadah, satirih in Pentejevem mitu v renesančni likovni umetnosti in literaturi, razumevanju dionizične ekstaze pri renesančnih humanistih in analizi šestih likovnih umetnin z dionizično tematiko, ki so nastale med letoma 1470 in 1547. V obdobju renesanse se Dioniz v umetnosti za nekaj časa znova prikaže v svojih številnih in raznolikih vlogah, ki jih je imel v antiki (in so tudi predstavljene v prvem delu naloge); na izbranih umetninah lahko opazimo reference na antična literarna besedila (npr. na Vergilija, Filostrata in Evripida) in vplive antičnih sarkofagov, obenem pa bogata simbolika nekaterih odraža dvojnost Dioniza in pomena njegovega daru za človeka.

Keywords:literatura in likovna umetnost, grška mitologija, antika, renesansa, religiozni kulti, Dioniz, Pentej, menade, satiri, bakhantke, bakhanal
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129598 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2021
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Title:Cult of Dionysus in Visual Arts and Literature: from Evripides Bacchae to Bacchanals of Italian Renaissance and Baroque
The final seminar paper focuses on the cult of Dionysus and especially the myth of Pentheus in ancient literature, on ancient depictions of maenads and Dionysus, and the various meanings Dionysus, maenads and Pentheus had in antiquity and further acquired in the Middle Ages. The second part of the thesis focuses on Dionysus, maenads, satyrs and myth of Pentheus in Renaissance fine arts and literature, the understanding of Dionysian ecstasy in Renaissance humanists, and includes also an analysis of six Dionysian-themed works of art created between 1470 and 1547. During the Renaissance Dionysus reappears in art for some time in his many and varied roles, which he had in antiquity (and are also presented in the first part of the work); references to ancient literary texts (e.g. Virgil, Philostratus, and Euripides) and the influences of ancient sarcophagi can be found in selected works of art, while the rich symbolism of some also reflects the duality of Dionysus and the significance of his gift to man.

Keywords:literature and visual arts, greek mythology, antiquity, renaissance, religious cults, Dionysus, Pentheus, maenads, satyrs, bacchantes, bacchanal

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