
Pogled študentov na študentsko prehrano z vidika zdravstvene ustreznosti živil : diplomsko delo
ID Vrtačnik, Klara (Author), ID Thaler, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jevšnik Podlesnik, Mojca (Comentor), ID Ovca, Andrej (Reviewer)

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Uvod: prehranjevalni režim študentov je običajno odvisen od urnikov predavanj in vaj, ki se jih udeležujejo študentje, in razpoložljivosti hrane znotraj ali v bližini fakultete. Kot rezultat širitve hitre prehrane in nerazumevanja pomena zdravstveno ustrezne prehrane študentje velikokrat preskočijo kakšen obrok ali ne posegajo po raznovrstni hrani. Namen: z raziskavo želimo ugotoviti, kakšen pogled imajo študentje na ponudbo študentske prehrane z vidika zdravstvene ustreznosti živil. Raziskani bodo dejavniki, na osnovi katerih se študenti odločajo glede lokacije prehranjevanja, in dejavniki, ki vplivajo na izbiro hrane. Metode dela: izvedli smo kvantitativno presečno študijo z neeksperimentalno deskriptivno metodo. Za potrebe raziskave je bil oblikovan anketni vprašalnik, ki je vseboval vprašanja zaprtega tipa. Obdelava podatkov ankete je potekala na spletni strani EnKlikAnketa z uporabo multitabel, frekvenc in grafov. Rezultati: anketni vprašalnik je ustrezno (v celoti) izpolnilo 80 sodelujočih anketirancev. Rezultati, pridobljeni z analizo anketnega vprašalnika, so prikazani grafično in opisno. Na Zdravstveni fakulteti je anketni vprašalnik ustrezno izpolnilo 41 anketirancev, na drugih fakultetah Univerze v Ljubljani pa 39 anketirancev. Študentje Zdravstvene fakultete se kot največji dejavnik za izbiro lokacije prehranjevanja odločajo glede na oddaljenost ponudnika od fakultete, na drugih fakultetah pa je ta dejavnik cena študentskega bona. Študentje Zdravstvene fakultete so svoje znanje pridobili na fakulteti, veliko pa tudi prek družbenih omrežij. Na drugih fakultetah so največ znanja pridobili prek strokovnih člankov. Anketiranci poročajo tudi o prebavnih težavah, ki se jim pojavljajo nekajkrat na leto. Menijo, da je vzrok za to predvsem stres. Prav tako smo z raziskavo ugotovili, da študentje Zdravstvene fakultete menijo, da so se njihove prehranjevalne navade v času študija spremenile na slabše. Na drugih fakultetah pa največ anketirancev sprememb ni opazilo. Na Zdravstveni fakulteti je največ anketirancev odgovorilo, da je pri izbiri hrane najpomembnejši dejavnik zdrava hrana. Na drugih fakultetah menijo, da je najpomembnejša cena študentskega bona. Študentje Zdravstvene fakultete v povprečju posežejo po hitri hrani enkrat na teden, študentje drugih fakultet pa enkrat na mesec. Razprava in zaključek: ugotovili smo, da znanje, pridobljeno na fakulteti, ne vpliva pomembno na dejavnike prehranjevanja, pač pa sta v ospredju predvsem oddaljenost od fakultete in cena študentskega bona. Študentom Zdravstvene fakultete je poleg oddaljenosti od fakultete pomembna tudi zdrava hrana, čeprav enkrat na teden posegajo po hitri hrani. Na fakultetah bi bilo treba organizirati prehranske obrate z zdravo prehrano, ki bi študentom po ugodni ceni zagotovili možnost za kakovosten in hranljiv obrok.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, prehranjevalne navade, zdrava prehrana, znanje, študenti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Vrtačnik]
Number of pages:38 str., [4] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-129590 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:75240707 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Student's view of students nutrition from health and food safety perspective : diploma work
Introduction: The diet of students usually depends on the schedule suggested and the lectures attended by the students and the availability of food within or near the faculty. As a result of the spread of a faster diet and a lack of understanding of the importance of a healthy diet, students often skip a meal or do not reach for a variety of nutrients. Purpose: With the research we want to find out what view students have on the offer of student food from the point of view of food suitability. Factors on the basis of which students decide on the location of prior initiation that influence food choices will be investigated. Methods: We performed a quantitative preliminary study using a non-experimental descriptive method. For the purposes of the survey, a questionnaire was designed that contained, questions of closed type. Data were processed on the EnKlikAnketa website using multitables, frequencies and graphs. Results: The survey questionnaire was completed (in full) by 80 participating respondents. The results obtained by analyzing the data are presented both graphically and descriptively. Questionnaire at the Faculty of Health Sciences, was filled out by 41 respondents from Faculty of Health Sciences, and 39 respondents from other faculties of the University of Ljubljana. Students of the Faculty of Health Sciences decisions to choose food are grounded on the distance of food providers as the biggest factor, while in other faculties this is an attribute of the price of a student voucher. Students of the Faculty of Health Sciences acquired their knowledge at the faculties, and a large number also through social networks. At other faculties, they acquired the most knowledge through professional papers. Respondents also report digestive problems that occur several times a year. They believe that the reason for this is related to stress. We also found that the students at the Faculty of Health Sciences believe their eating habits changed during their studies. At other faculties, most respondents did no notice that. At the Faculty of Health Sciences, the majority of respondents answered that the most important factor in choosing food is healthy food. Respondents from other faculties report that the price of a student voucher is the most important. Students of the Faculty of Health Sciences go for fast food once a week, and students of other faculties go once a month. Discussion and conclusion: We found that the knowledge acquired at the faculty does not significantly affect the food choice and factors influencing it, but rather the distance of food provider from the faculty and the price of the student voucher. In addition to the distance from the faculty, healthy food is also important to the students of the Faculty of Health Sciences, although they consume fast food once a week. At the faculties, it would be necessary to organize food establishments with a healthy diet, which would provide students with the possibility of a quality and nutritious meal at an affordable price.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, eating habits, healthy food, knowledge, students

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